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Halloween Costume Contest!


Since Brent is on his way back from tour, he’s asked me to post the details of the Halloween Costume Contest. That way you all have time to get your costumes together and maybe even use them before the contest!

The pictures you email (due by Friday, November 2nd at 5pm Pacific Standard Time!) will be posted to the website for a vote by the fans, beginning Monday, November 5th and ending Monday, November 12th.

First Place: A signed hardcover first-edition of The Blinding Knife personalized to you, and five personalized bookplates to you or friends of your choice.

Second Place: A signed copy of mass market paperback The Black Prism and five personalized bookplates to your or friends of your choice.

Third Place: Five personalized bookplates to you or friends of your choice.

1. Entry due by Friday, November 2, 2012 at 5pm Pacific Standard Time.

2.Entry must include a picture of you in costume, along with a one-to-two sentence description.

3.The costume must be of a character in The Lightbringer Trilogy.

4. The subject line of the email (and this is IMPORTANT) must read: Lightbringer Costume Contest.

5. Address the email to: (Don’t worry, Brent will be checking out all the costumes, but I’ll be putting together all the photos for the contest!)

6. The costume must be family-friendly. (Hey, we’d like to display the best entries on the website, and we can’t do that if it’s not appropriate for some of the younger fans!)

Winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 13, 2012.

If we haven’t addressed all your questions, please ask them in the comments section below–we’ll answer as soon as intercontinental flights and time zone changes allow!

The Black Prism: E-book now just $2.99!


Orbit is featuring The Black Prism e-book as their Orbital Drop for July. It’s available to download for just $2.99 all month! Be sure to check out their page HERE, which has handy links so you can download it to your preferred e-reader.

Be sure to “like” the Orbital Drop on Facebook or sign up for the newsletter to stay updated on each month’s latest e-book deal.

(Also, new poll at right!)

The Blinding Knife cover reveal

Ooooh! Isn’t it pretty? Here is the final cover of The Blinding Knife:























I think that the colors are stunning–and with this series, that’s the most important thing. Lots of great drama here, too. Nice light and darkness to make the colors stand out even more–in my opinion, just a wonderfully striking cover. I did vote for a non-hooded man, but… well, win a lot, lose some. 😉 What do you think?

The Blinding Knife is book 2 of the Lightbringer Series, which began with The Black Prism. The Blinding Knife will be released in early September.

Oh, new poll on the right, too.

UPDATE: Doh! Forgot to give the artists credit! Big, big thanks to Lauren Panepinto, Shirley Green (photo), and Silas Manhood (photo illustration). UPDATE 2: links to artists’ pages.

TWO Contests for the Price of One!

It’s not even Thanksgiving, and Brent’s already breaking out a Christmas tree?

I recently passed the 1,000 fans mark on Goodreads, and I thought I should do something cool to celebrate that.

First, a contest just for those of you who are following me on the book sharing/reviewing site Goodreads. So if you’re a member of Goodreads, simply go to this page on Goodreads, and put in your info, and you will be entered into a drawing to win one of five signed, lined, and personalized paperback copies of The Black Prism. This contest will be open to readers worldwide.

We’re hoping that we’re doing this early enough so that you could give these books as a Christmas present if you so chose, and have them even arrive on time. (No promises, but we will push them out the door as soon as we can.)

That contest got me so excited for Christmas that I didn’t want to leave anyone out! Although, I suppose it is the nature of contests to leave someone out. Therefore, perhaps, I’m not being nice. I’m just hoping to expand the pool of losers! Muhahaha!

So, a second contest: the Brent’s Funtastic Photobomb Contest.  Take a picture of any one of my books (must be identifiable) in any exciting, interesting, exotic, or funny locale. Sadly, I’m going to have to ask you to keep it appropriate. I will post the very best photos on my website, but winners? There can only be one.

Yay, more losers! Why can there be only one winner? Because the prize is so stinking cool. (To clarify: the picture does not have to be an actual photobomb. And, although I appreciate a good photoshop job as well as anyone, photoshopped pictures will not be eligible for The Grand Prize. Obviously, touching up a real photo is fine. You know what I mean.)

The Grand Prize winner will receive a signed, numbered copy of the sweet, sold-out, limited edition of Perfect Shadow. (I’m at the mercy of when I get my own copies of this, but if you win, I will ship it immediately, so you might be able to get it in time for Christmas.)

To enter, submit your photo to by December 5 at 5PM Pacific Standard Time.

Color Quiz: En Francais

Due to the Gallic genius of Bragelonne (and the generous cooperation of my English-language publisher, Orbit — thank you Alex!), the color quiz that I originally wrote to describe a little bit about the world of The Seven Satrapies and the magic users who inhabit it is now live in French.

Bragelonne has translated and coded anew the quiz here. If you enjoy it, please “like” the Facebook page for both The Black Prism and Bragelonne, and be on the lookout for Le Prisme noir, coming in October!

The Black Prism Mass Market Paperback Shipping Now!

O ye of fragile wrists, afraid to read in bed with a hefty hardcover, lest ye drop it and break thy nose! Thy salvation is nigh! O hardcover-haters, who despise 11 point Sabon! Thy whims are about to be granted! The Black Prism mass market paperback is shipping now, and you may well be able to find it on your local booksellers’ shelves already. If you haven’t had a chance to see the blurb yet, here it is:

With over one million copies sold, Brent Weeks has become one of the fastest selling new fantasy authors of all time. THE BLACK PRISM begins a brand new action-packed tale of magic and adventure …
Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. Yet Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live.
When Guile discovers he has a son, born in a far kingdom after the war that put him in power, he must decide how much he’s willing to pay to protect a secret that could tear his world apart.

Also, those of you who love e-books, you should see the prices for the e-editions drop correspondingly in the next week. The official launch date is September 1st, so you may not see the lower price until then.

For more news, an excerpt, and the full book trailer tomorrow, go to

Writing Advice Update: Magic Systems & Finishing Book 2

This month in my Writing Advice Update, I discuss one of the most important subjects in fantasy: creating your own magic system. Along the way, I discuss working with a high-magic versus low-magic worlds, magic and technology, well-defined and ill-defined magics and the benefits of each, and what kinds of questions you need to ask yourself while you’re creating your system if you want to be rigorous.

And thanks for your patience in this slightly delayed post — as I mentioned earlier, we had a couple big posts earlier this week, and I’ve just finished the first draft of The Lightbringer Trilogy #2 yesterday! It’s called The Blinding Knife and will be out in September 2012 (ish). Now I get the joy of editing for the next few months, and then Orbit begins work on production.

Hope you enjoy the writing advice update!

Massive Black Prism Review Round-up

Since The Black Prism came out, I have been doing my best to keep my eye on the reviews that came out for the book, in the hope of course of convincing more of you to go out and buy it! But also, after you read it, to give you a chance to see if other people had the same thoughts about The Black Prism that you did. I also like to keep my eye on the reviews myself, because if one person said I did something wrong, it’s easy to dismiss. But if 12 people say it, then I will think twice about it in the future. Unfortunately I’ve been so busy with writing The Blinding Knife that I haven’t had time to post all of the reviews that have come to my attention since I did my first review round-up last year.

But now I have corralled a list, and pulled out what I hope are the pertinent quotes. Mostly pro, but a few con as well. I’ve put all of these reviews over on my Reviews Page. If you know of other dedicated book blogs or review sites that have covered The Black Prism that I’ve missed, please let me know. And if you prefer to get your epic fantasy in mass market paperback, The Black Prism will be shipping August 23rd (definitely should be in stores by the 29th) with a nicely reworked map and the first chapter of The Blinding Knife as a teaser!