The Black Prism: E-book now just $2.99!


Orbit is featuring The Black Prism e-book as their Orbital Drop for July. It’s available to download for just $2.99 all month! Be sure to check out their page HERE, which has handy links so you can download it to your preferred e-reader.

Be sure to “like” the Orbital Drop on Facebook or sign up for the newsletter to stay updated on each month’s latest e-book deal.

(Also, new poll at right!)

3 thoughts on “The Black Prism: E-book now just $2.99!

  1. I went to buy this…only to realize that it was already on the digital version of my Mount Toberead!

    1. Justin says:

      I loved this book almost more then the night angle books.

      1. Justin says:

        And I hate that timer…. WHY MUST I WAIT!!! ———->

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