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April Q&R video is live!

Just in case you hear screams in this episode, that is either Joe Abercrombie down in the basement… or it might be my children.

Show Notes below:

Which character do you relate most to in the Lightbringer series? – 0:51
How do you go about creating different emotional atmospheres for each character? – 2:33
Is there anything major in the Lightbringer series that you regret writing a certain way? – 4:15
How do you get the right dialog/action balance in your scenes? 7:13
What sort of conflicts inspire you the most? – 8:44
How do you approach writing female writers that are well-rounded and dynamic? – 10:07
Seriously, what’s the deal with the clock? – 12:18

Got more questions? Ask them in the comments below.

March Q&R video is live!

Well look at that–another Q&R video on Brent’s official Facebook page:

Show Notes:

.14: “What’s the deal with the clock, Brent?”
.42: “How often does a mirror like Janus Borig appear?”
1.03: “Do you have any idea where you’re going with your next series?”
1.28: “Are you playing D&D at the moment?”
2.44: “What is your background besides writing?”
2.55: “How long did you consider the concept of the Lightbringer series before writing it?”
5.08: “What was the biggest inspiration behind the drafters and their abilities?”
8.12: “Were the book four twists planned from the beginning?”

Additional Resources:
Home page for D&D online:
And speaking of D&D, here are Lightbringer Character Sheets:
Further reading on The Medici Effect:
Further reading on Siddhartha:

February Q&R video is live!

After a brief break, we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming! Show notes below video:

*When I say “November 2018” I really meant February 2019. (Look, friends, I have books to write.)

1. “How do you create a training arc for a character who will eventually become a badass?” – .39

2. “How do you get through writing scenes that are emotionally charged?” – 3.50

3. “When you are writing your books, do you write in public spaces?” -7.18

4. “How long does it take to develop a character? What is your best advice for creating realistic, believable characters?” – 9.07


Also FTR a new poll question is live!

Realm Makers Webinar Friday, February 1

Hi friends,

Do you have a BURNING question you’ve been dying to ask me? Well then I have good news…

I’m taking part in a webinar hosted by Realm Makers on Friday, February 1 at 3:30pm PST (Pacific, or UTC -8:00).

Below you’ll find information regarding how to log in and participate!

Dial-in number (US): (605) 475-4787
Access code: 872165#
International dial-in numbers:
Online meeting ID: webinars2

October Q&R Video

Surprise! I answered some more fan questions. Two months in a row!

The Facebook Q&R is embedded below for your enjoyment.

I also have a note about this video that I wanted to share. Around 1:30, I talk about biological versus adoptive parents. I used the phrase “real parents” intending obvious air quotes—the first time or so. I sort of lost that denotation as I referenced that a few more times and was thinking about other things. My point—which I hope I didn’t clumsily obscure—is that adoptive parents absolutely are real parents. Forgive my infelicitous phrasing around what can be a tender point.”