An Update re: Lightbringer

Got right to the point with this one.

….Yeah, I KNOW.

4 thoughts on “An Update re: Lightbringer

  1. A fan says:

    Ehm… Can anybody explain? LOL

    1. The Dread Pirate CAPSLOCK says:

      It’s an April Fool’s joke with spoilers AND a rickroll, all smashed up into one nonsensical video! Looks like I still need to add captions to it.

      I expect hallucinogenics will enhance the experience 😀

  2. Abby Lee says:

    Hahahaha! Can’t believe I missed this on the 1st! XD

  3. Jack Toornstra says:

    Dear Mr. Brent Weeks:
    Happily I was one of the first to tap into the “Lightbringer” series and one of the first in my group of fantasy reading buddies to recommend it. I pre ordered the final, ” The Burning White” and have just finished. WHOA !!! I always have a very difficult time ending a book that I am so attached to, let alone an entire series. It’s so bittersweet to have to say goodbye to the characters in a long story that you’ve come to love. I’m basically in withdrawal at the moment. This set of books simply exploded for me into something that I couldn’t get enough of and in particular because of all the “Biblical” parallels. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciated discovering that this Author just has to be of a Christian background. There’s no way I could ever read in a book like this, ” He wept”, or “he’s not dead he’s just sleeping. Being a lifelong Christian of 67 years, I just need to tell you, that you have written such an amazing story of redemption that I think perhaps C.S. Lewis could be proud of. I have very little use for the so called “Christian” books written with all the niceties and fluff of what Christianity is NOT all about. The Bible is full of : murder, incest, abuse, hate, love, sex, it’s all there and you weren’t afraid to tap into the way that God, or even Jesus for that matter shows in his Word the what and hows of our broken humanity, one desperately in need of redemption and salvation. I bought the hard cover version and Chapter 70 was just so inspiring I had to “bookmark” those pages so I can go over them again. The conversation between Gavin and Orholam is in a word “brilliant”. It’s a discourse between God and Man. It’s in the Book of Job. The part near the end where Dazen “wrestles ” with Orholam all night long, is Jacob and the stranger before he meets his brother Esau. Brother Weeks you’ve written a master piece and I thank you and wish you all the success in the world with your next venture. Please keep writing stuff like this, it brings out the story of Salvation so succinctly in a world so desperately in need. Thank you so much for a great read. Rich blessings to you. Mr. Jack Toornstra

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