Posts Tagged‘The Broken Eye’
El Ojo Fragmentado Publishes TODAY
El Ojo Fragmentado, the Spanish edition of The Broken Eye, publishes today! To order, go HERE.
And because he does his best to connect with fans, you can also watch Brent pitch the book in Spanish (he doesn’t speak Spanish).
And in case it was hard to understand Brent, you can also check out the first two chapters of El Ojo Fragmentado at the Fantifica website.
For regular updates on all of Brent’s work in Spanish, “Like” his Brent Weeks Oficial en Español Facebook page and check out his Spanish language website, Los Mundos de Brent Weeks.
Fantasy Faction’s Best Fantasy Books of 2014
Fantasy Faction has released their top Fantasy books of 2014 — and The Broken Eye is in the top 3!
“With The Blinding Knife taking Brent Weeks from being one to watch to genre superstar. We were expecting huge things from The Broken Eye and Brent certainly delivered.”
Go HERE to get more suggestions for your TBR pile!
The Broken Eye = Spheres of Power (in German)
Whenever you translate a book from English into German, certain things get added. And by “things”, I mean the book suddenly becomes nearly twice as big as it was in the USA. And when you write a novel that’s more than 350,000 words in English, this can cause problems — like book bindings breaking!
Due to the length of The Broken Eye — and the additional length of translation a book into German — my German publisher has decided to publish the first half on August 17, 2015. We plan to follow with the second half in Winter 2015.
Here’s the cover for Sphären der Macht, part 1! Pre-order HERE.

Cover design and illustration: © Isabelle Hirtz, Inkcraft, with usage of a photo by Larry Rostant
The Broken Eye in Spanish
We are pleased to announce that The Broken Eye will be published in Spanish (as El Ojo Fragmentado) on March 19, 2015. Once again, the excellent Manuel Reyes has translated the text. Go HERE to stay up-to-date with the Brent Weeks Spanish website!
Goodreads Choice Awards 2014
Some years you say to yourself, “Sweet! George hasn’t published a book, and Neil hasn’t published a book! Maybe I’ve got a…” and then you see the paranormal fantasy and the fantasy genres have been collapsed into one, and now you’re listed not only among Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, Mark Lawrence, but also Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, and… you just stop reading at that point, because why bother?
On the other hand, I have to say being listed among all these great writers is hugely thrilling and quite an honor. It’s pretty awesome to be mentioned in the same breath with these fantasy greats. So if you want to get a list of great fantasy books to read, click over HERE. And if St. Jude — patron saint of lost causes — is your guy, maybe you can even throw out a vote for me. 😉
GraphicAudio: Broken Eye Part 3 Now Available!
Graphic Audio’s The Broken Eye is now available in its entirety. You can order the just-released Part 3 of 3 HERE.
Check out a sample below:
Many thanks to the friends and fans who sent us their pictures, posted them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter under #BrokenEyeTour! There were so many awesome photos, it was hard to choose just a few to post here, but here’s a selection (including some of the selfies Brent took on tour…). We also have a few lucky winners and will be sending them their complimentary t-shirts shortly!
Portland, Powell’s Books
Seattle, University Bookstore
San Francisco, Borderlands
San Diego, Mysterious Galaxy
Denver, Tattered Cover
Salt Lake City, The King’s English
Houston, Murder by the Book
Roseville, MN, Barnes & Noble
Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Cincinnati
Madison, Barnes & Noble
Salem, The Book Bin
Bestseller Lists
The Broken Eye has made some more bestseller lists! Thanks to all the Canadian readers who put The Broken Eye on The Globe and Mail list! Go HERE to check it out.
From the Mountains and Plains Indie Booksellers:
And over at the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association:
Bonus Chapters Now on Wattpad
If you haven’t read them already, we are now releasing the two bonus chapters — I, Night Angel and Gunner’s Apprentice — over on Wattpad.