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Color Quiz: En Francais

Due to the Gallic genius of Bragelonne (and the generous cooperation of my English-language publisher, Orbit — thank you Alex!), the color quiz that I originally wrote to describe a little bit about the world of The Seven Satrapies and the magic users who inhabit it is now live in French.

Bragelonne has translated and coded anew the quiz here. If you enjoy it, please “like” the Facebook page for both The Black Prism and Bragelonne, and be on the lookout for Le Prisme noir, coming in October!

Mysterious Galaxy: Redondo Beach This Friday

To help celebrate the release of the mass market paperback of The Black Prism and the opening of the new Redondo Beach location of the justly-famed Mysterious Galaxy, I will be flying down to California this Friday to do a quick signing. If you’re in the area, please come and see me and check out the new store! If you haven’t heard, they’re kind of a big deal. If you’re interested in science fiction, mystery, fantasy, and horror, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a store with more knowledgeable staff or better selection.  I’ll be reading previously unseen chapters from my work, and signing your books at 7:30 pm at 2810 Artesia Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, on Friday, September 23rd.


Powell’s Signing — Thursday, September 8

Although I enjoyed my time at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, it’s always good to be home.  And what better way to celebrate the release of The Black Prism in mass market paperback than with fans in my own neighborhood?

So this Thursday, September 8, I’ll be reading from The Blinding Knife, answering questions, and signing books starting at 7pm. More details are here, and directions to Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing are here.


French Cover Released for The Black Prism/Le Prisme Noir

Dear French fans,

You didn’t think I’d forget about you, did you? As you know, the French covers for my books have always been among my favorite. As you can see below, Bragelonne continues their winning streak with this:

 Miguel Coimbra is the talented artist, and you can see more of his work here.

 Le Prisme Noir will be released in October, and I have been working even this week on the last, final points of the translation with the talented team at Bragelonne. You can pre-order here.

The Blinding Knife — First Three Chapters

The mass market paperback of The Black Prism released this week, and in addition to having a nicely reworked map, the paperback also has a sneak peek into the forthcoming second book of The Lightbringer Trilogy, The Blinding Knife.

I didn’t want the people who bought the hardcover to be left out, so I’ve successfully lobbied Orbit to give us the rights to post the first three chapters of The Blinding Knife here. You can also access it under the “Extras” tab from the main page.

(I should note that The Blinding Knife is slated for a September 2012 release, and that these chapters may see significant revisions between now and then. But if you don’t mind seeing scenes that are hot off the presses, and maybe a smidge rough, please click over here.)

Schwarzes Prisma/Black Prism Release in Germany!

Dear German fans,

This week will see the release of Schwarzes Prisma. You can order on And here’s the blurb:

Sein Leben ist eine Lüge, seine Macht nur geraubt …

Gavin Guile ist der hoch geehrte Lord Prisma. Allein seine magischen Fähigkeiten, seine Intelligenz und seine Überzeugungskraft bewahren den unsicheren Frieden im Reich. Doch Gavin bleiben nur noch fünf Jahre zu leben. Fünf Jahre, um fünf unmögliche Ziele zu erreichen. Da erfährt er, dass er einen Sohn hat, und von der Gefahr für dessen Leben. Doch um den unschuldigen Jungen zu retten, muss Gavin sein dunkelstes Geheimnis offenbaren – und damit das Reich zerreißen. Denn sein Leben fußt auf einer Lüge, und seine Macht ist lediglich geraubt. Kann er diesen Preis bezahlen, um sein einziges Kind zu retten?

Or at least I think that’s the blurb. Since I don’t speak German I can’t be sure…

I hope you love it!

The Black Prism Mass Market Paperback Shipping Now!

O ye of fragile wrists, afraid to read in bed with a hefty hardcover, lest ye drop it and break thy nose! Thy salvation is nigh! O hardcover-haters, who despise 11 point Sabon! Thy whims are about to be granted! The Black Prism mass market paperback is shipping now, and you may well be able to find it on your local booksellers’ shelves already. If you haven’t had a chance to see the blurb yet, here it is:

With over one million copies sold, Brent Weeks has become one of the fastest selling new fantasy authors of all time. THE BLACK PRISM begins a brand new action-packed tale of magic and adventure …
Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. Yet Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live.
When Guile discovers he has a son, born in a far kingdom after the war that put him in power, he must decide how much he’s willing to pay to protect a secret that could tear his world apart.

Also, those of you who love e-books, you should see the prices for the e-editions drop correspondingly in the next week. The official launch date is September 1st, so you may not see the lower price until then.

For more news, an excerpt, and the full book trailer tomorrow, go to

The Blinding Knife Excerpt & Updates

As some of you may know, the new mass market paperback edition of The Black Prism will have the first couple chapters of the sequel, The Blinding Knife, included. When I told you that, some of you said, “Hey! What about those of us who shilled out for the hardcover? Why shouldn’t WE get to read those chapters?” To which I said, Doh! You should!


The first three chapters of The Blinding Knife will actually be available to you before the paperback readers get to see it. If you head over to The Black Prism Fan Page on Facebook, and “like” it, you’ll get access to that chapter… today. (Look in the left column.) See? I’m not forgetting you! Brent’ll take care of ya.

(And for those of you who despise Facebook or refuse to “Like” things, after the paperback release, my publisher has given me permission to post that chapter here.)

And an update on The Blinding Knife: I have finished the first draft. I didn’t really believe it when I wrote “The End,” so I erased it and rewrote it. Twice. I am now deeply involved with edits. The release is tentatively scheduled for around September 1, 2012.

(Also, another teaser clip should be up on Facebook on Tuesday!)