French Cover Released for The Black Prism/Le Prisme Noir

Dear French fans,

You didn’t think I’d forget about you, did you? As you know, the French covers for my books have always been among my favorite. As you can see below, Bragelonne continues their winning streak with this:

 Miguel Coimbra is the talented artist, and you can see more of his work here.

 Le Prisme Noir will be released in October, and I have been working even this week on the last, final points of the translation with the talented team at Bragelonne. You can pre-order here.

19 thoughts on “French Cover Released for The Black Prism/Le Prisme Noir

  1. Kim says:

    Love the French cover!

  2. Natasa says:

    Holy shit that is just awesome! Even though imho the French Night Angel covers are more eye catching and intricate this one can stand on its own.

  3. kevin shortt says:

    thats just awesome, i want that as a poster:)

  4. Tim says:

    Why are the French covers always so amazing?

    I think for your next book, you should release the French version first, and just use whatever cover they come up with.

    1. Nathan says:

      Cause Brag’ is always the Best

  5. Fuu says:

    First thought: Kaim?

    Second thought: Cool…

    And yea… The French get lovely artistic covers D: Not to say the english ones are bad but something fancy would be nice 😀

  6. Mary says:

    O_O This is goregous. Daaaayyuuuum. Like. If I ever see these in a store I’m buying all of the books…even though I don’t speak a word of French.

  7. Jeremy J. says:

    I really hope that for the remainder of the series you just use the french covers.

    And if not for this, ask the guy who does the french covers to do the ones for whatever you call the next trilogy that follows Night Angel.

    The cover is attention grabbing (not that the american ones aren’t, but the french ones are so beautiful).

  8. Thanks everyone! We’re very glad you like it. It’s a pleasure to provide great art for great books. Artist Miguel Coimbra and chief of art studio Fabrice Borio did a fantastic job indeed. Big up to them.

    As for prints, French copies and stuff we can arrange something, possibly through Brent’s website if he agrees? Stay tuned 🙂

    A bientot !
    Stephane (Brent’s damn lucky French publisher)

    1. kevin says:

      HELL YEAH! that would be AWESOME if you could get prints, do you man the night angel ones too? 🙂

        1. kevin says:

          awesome news stephane, cant wait:)

    2. Tim says:

      Is a print like the picture without the book?

      If it is, I would definitely buy one for one or the other of the Nightangel books. Probably Shadow’s Edge, but possibly Beyond the Shadows. I don’t know why, but I really like the Shadow’s Edge one.

  9. Ford says:

    Want! I haven’t even read that book yet and that cover art makes me want to!

  10. jj says:

    what do you think the french cover of perfect shadow will look like…or is it the same?

    1. Tim says:

      I’m assuming it’ll be the same, being that it’s just the one limited edition (and now the Lettered extra-super limited edition). But do we even know what that is yet anyway?

  11. Thank you all for the comments, I’m really glad you liked the cover !

    1. kevin says:

      your work is awesome, THANK YOU:)

  12. bar1scorpio says:

    Better than the “Random Ninja with impossible sword” (Seriously, there’d be no way to get a long-bladed Rapier out from over your back in a fight if it was actually in a scabbard.) on the German Cover. And that it’s painted is great. But I like the rakish look on the face of the guy on the cover of the American version more. His look kinda says, “Am I a good guy, am I a bad guy? Guess what, you’re gonna dig what I’m about to do to you either way. The name’s Gavin Guile. Remember it, You’ll be moaning it into my ear later.”

    Okay, the French cover is an artistic wonder and assassin-y-mage guy with red hair.

    But American cover? I’d honestly buy the deodorant he’s just stepped out of the shower to tell me about in a heartbeat.

    “Look at your Color Mage. Now back to me. Now back to him. Now back to me. I have a yellow fish in my hand- it’s burst into flames. Now I have a pair of spectacles in a color that matches YOUR eyes. Now they’re tickets to that thing you like to go to. I’m standing on a boat made of pure green Luxim!”

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