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Speculate Podcast Part 2



The second half of the two-part Speculate Podcast is now live! Go HERE to listen to Brent, Peter V. Brett, Brad Beaulieu, and Gregory A. Wilson discuss what’s unique about graphic novels, giving up control, and the process of adaptation.

Literary Criticism and Other Crimes Against Reading

daylight war

I don’t usually write reviews, much less post them, but this is something of a special case. Peter V. Brett is a friend of mine, and as you probably know, he too writes epic fantasy. We entered the club at nearly the same time and met early in our careers.

Because we share many of the same fans and are each writing multi-volume epic fantasy, a review on one of his books really gives me a chance to share my views on the genre and on architecture of storytelling.

In this review, I avoided covering many of the topics that I felt other reviewers had hit at length and instead focused on only a few points where I disagreed with other reviewers, or where I wished to talk about endings and multi-volume epic fantasy specifically. The review is without spoilers, though my points are clearer if you’ve read the book. If you’re into this sort of thing, it’s over HERE.


Author D&D Video Now Available!

You can now watch the epic author D&D game from Epic ConFusion earlier this year! Authors who participated (in clockwise order) include Jim C. Hines, Joe Abercrombie, Peter V. Brett, Saladin Ahmed, Elizabeth Bear, and Myke Cole (in the mirror). Scott Lynch, Jay Lake and Pat Rothfuss and I were all wearing invisibility cloaks at the time of the first Youtube shot.

I’d also like to note that this was my very first D&D game. In the past, my friends were all so cool that they lost interest by the time we’d rolled characters.

(Erin McConnell and Peter V. Brett’s assistant Meg did an outstanding job preparing the video for public consumption and for editing three hours down to 30 minutes!)

Check it out:

Author Peter V. Brett Takes Your Questions

Many of you probably already know Peter V. Brett and his debut novel The Warded Man (US)/ The Painted Man (UK). It’s a great book and I highly recommend it. This weekend, Peter has agreed to come to our forum and answer YOUR questions about his book and its coming sequel, The Desert Spear. If you have questions for Peter V. Brett, please join us HERE and post your questions by this Saturday, May 16th. (You’ll have to be registered to ask questions, but registration takes maybe fifteen seconds, and you won’t need to register to read anything.) If you’d like to jump straight to Peter’s homepage, it’s HERE. And of course, the obligatory Amazon link  (for Amazon UK click HERE). And thank you to Peter for agreeing to come by!