Literary Criticism and Other Crimes Against Reading

daylight war

I don’t usually write reviews, much less post them, but this is something of a special case. Peter V. Brett is a friend of mine, and as you probably know, he too writes epic fantasy. We entered the club at nearly the same time and met early in our careers.

Because we share many of the same fans and are each writing multi-volume epic fantasy, a review on one of his books really gives me a chance to share my views on the genre and on architecture of storytelling.

In this review, I avoided covering many of the topics that I felt other reviewers had hit at length and instead focused on only a few points where I disagreed with other reviewers, or where I wished to talk about endings and multi-volume epic fantasy specifically. The review is without spoilers, though my points are clearer if you’ve read the book. If you’re into this sort of thing, it’s over HERE.


One thought on “Literary Criticism and Other Crimes Against Reading

  1. Beverly says:

    I just finished Daylight War. Your review is spot on with how I feel about it.

    I wish I could get an ARC for Peter’s next installment! I am patient in most things but not in waiting for sequels to my books.

    PS. Your a pretty good writer yourself! 🙂

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