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Close to Klingons Halloween Contest & Fan Art Contest

Should I reward madness?

Well, I’m going to. I know of at least one fan who intends to go to a Halloween party as Durzo Blint or Kylar Stern. So I have a VERY short notice Halloween Contest, wherein whomever has the best Night Angel Trilogy costume gets a signed copy of The Way of Shadows. I may–or may not if the winner goes as Vi–post the winning photograph. Send your entries to brent dot a dot weeks at gmail dot com. (Make appropriate substitutions for dots and the ampersand.) If there’s only one entry, well, he wins. If the winner wishes to have a signed copy of Shadow’s Edge or Beyond the Shadows instead, I will be happy to oblige. (Though I can only send Beyond the Shadows once I get it.)

Second, I have recently seen some pretty amazing fan art. Check HERE and HERE by Ajahli. Her blog HERE. So here’s a contest that already has a strong front-runner. Whoever submits the best fan art by November 30 will get signed copies of the entire trilogy, made out to whomever they wish, and mailed to them. Because I have no artistic talent myself, I have to confess I’m thrilled. Soo cool.

Please entitle your email “Costume Contest” or “Fan Art Contest” so I can sort them easily. Thanks.

Oh, I’ve also updated the Reviews page. If I’ve missed reviews on the intarwebs that are helpful, please post or shoot me an email. I’ll flag reviews that have too many spoilers.

Award Nomination & the best review ever

I have been nominated for the David Gemmell Legend Award for Fantasy. When December 26th rolls around, fans will get to vote for finalists. Judges will then pick the winner. More info HERE. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you. I’d say vote early, vote often–but I might have some haxors as fans, and that would be wrong. (So just vote often.)

And while doing a good old-fashioned vanity googling, I found my best review ever HERE. Thanks, Wolfgirl20.