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New: Writing Advice, Interview, Poll

All sorts of goodies for you today.

First up, new writing advice for the month of June HERE. I’m doing things a little bit differently this month by answering a slew of questions in shorter form. Among the topics: overcoming self-doubt, agents and online publishing, and brainstorming.

Second, I’ve just completed an interview with the excellent Shawn Speakman of It’s all about book covers: The Blinding Knife cover, how it came together, and some of my favorite book covers out there today. Go HERE for the interview.

Last but not least, I’ve got a new poll at right. (Not that I’m taking orders here, but I’m curious to see what you’re most curious to see.)

Launch Day!

Although The Night Angel Trilogy Omnibus has been on shelves for a week or two, today is our official launch date. For all sorts of details and even one of the extras for free, look at the posts below. Also, there’s a new poll up to the right!