New: Writing Advice, Interview, Poll
All sorts of goodies for you today.
First up, new writing advice for the month of June HERE. I’m doing things a little bit differently this month by answering a slew of questions in shorter form. Among the topics: overcoming self-doubt, agents and online publishing, and brainstorming.
Second, I’ve just completed an interview with the excellent Shawn Speakman of It’s all about book covers: The Blinding Knife cover, how it came together, and some of my favorite book covers out there today. Go HERE for the interview.
Last but not least, I’ve got a new poll at right. (Not that I’m taking orders here, but I’m curious to see what you’re most curious to see.)
The whole “stop being a d*** and get off the boat and walk on the water like Jesus” bit is probably the best advice post ever lol. 😀
I think you are missing one more choice in the poll “All previous choices sound awesome, write them all!”
^^ Agreed
Also agreed! I couldn’t even make a decision, I’d love to read them all!
I want all of them to happen!!!!! Can’t wait for the next NAT books!
Was so torn between Ymmur and Alkestian. Went with Ymmur just because I don’t think novellas could do the Alkestian Cycle justice whereas they’re pretty well the ideal format just for filling in the blanks about other parts of the world. Unless maybe if you had like a megahuge series of novellas, but that might kinda be defeating the purpose a little. Although an Alkestian novella between each novel could work…
I think you need to combine the third and final option in the poll, but that’s just my humble opinion. But seriously, please do it.
Want to see the golden age, Kylar vs. Lantano and more of the world.
Durzo already has his Perfect Shadow, but hey, if you’re up to more of him, I won’t fight you. 😛
Vi would be just fine, I’m just wondering whether there won’t be too much romance and too little fighting action. (I’m such a tomboy! Gah!)
Most of all, I’m interested in that red-hair kid and that prophecy!
About the writing advice: great as always. “Hey, self, stop being a dick!” won it! I do that all the time.
I found that I can’t edit if I don’t have more than 200 pages, because I do edit faster than I write and I need to have some head start with the writing, so I don’t feel like a looser when I edited everything and now all I have to do is write. I find editing exhausting but fun – it refreshes your memory, it reminds you on your writing style and it’s very helpful when you’re having a writer’s block.
I’ll check up that interview later. ^^