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Broken Eye Excerpts On Wattpad


UPDATE: Chapters 1-9 are now available HERE!

In the lead up to publication of The Broken Eye, we’ll be releasing the first 50 pages (chapters 1-9!) on Wattpad. (Wattpad is a writing community where users can post articles, stories, poems and includes work by both published and new writers.)

The first five chapters of The Broken Eye are available today. More chapters will be released over the next few days. Go HERE to follow Brent’s Wattpad account and read the excerpts.

The Blinding Knife — First Three Chapters

The mass market paperback of The Black Prism released this week, and in addition to having a nicely reworked map, the paperback also has a sneak peek into the forthcoming second book of The Lightbringer Trilogy, The Blinding Knife.

I didn’t want the people who bought the hardcover to be left out, so I’ve successfully lobbied Orbit to give us the rights to post the first three chapters of The Blinding Knife here. You can also access it under the “Extras” tab from the main page.

(I should note that The Blinding Knife is slated for a September 2012 release, and that these chapters may see significant revisions between now and then. But if you don’t mind seeing scenes that are hot off the presses, and maybe a smidge rough, please click over here.)

The Black Prism Mass Market Paperback Shipping Now!

O ye of fragile wrists, afraid to read in bed with a hefty hardcover, lest ye drop it and break thy nose! Thy salvation is nigh! O hardcover-haters, who despise 11 point Sabon! Thy whims are about to be granted! The Black Prism mass market paperback is shipping now, and you may well be able to find it on your local booksellers’ shelves already. If you haven’t had a chance to see the blurb yet, here it is:

With over one million copies sold, Brent Weeks has become one of the fastest selling new fantasy authors of all time. THE BLACK PRISM begins a brand new action-packed tale of magic and adventure …
Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. Yet Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live.
When Guile discovers he has a son, born in a far kingdom after the war that put him in power, he must decide how much he’s willing to pay to protect a secret that could tear his world apart.

Also, those of you who love e-books, you should see the prices for the e-editions drop correspondingly in the next week. The official launch date is September 1st, so you may not see the lower price until then.

For more news, an excerpt, and the full book trailer tomorrow, go to

The Blinding Knife Excerpt & Updates

As some of you may know, the new mass market paperback edition of The Black Prism will have the first couple chapters of the sequel, The Blinding Knife, included. When I told you that, some of you said, “Hey! What about those of us who shilled out for the hardcover? Why shouldn’t WE get to read those chapters?” To which I said, Doh! You should!


The first three chapters of The Blinding Knife will actually be available to you before the paperback readers get to see it. If you head over to The Black Prism Fan Page on Facebook, and “like” it, you’ll get access to that chapter… today. (Look in the left column.) See? I’m not forgetting you! Brent’ll take care of ya.

(And for those of you who despise Facebook or refuse to “Like” things, after the paperback release, my publisher has given me permission to post that chapter here.)

And an update on The Blinding Knife: I have finished the first draft. I didn’t really believe it when I wrote “The End,” so I erased it and rewrote it. Twice. I am now deeply involved with edits. The release is tentatively scheduled for around September 1, 2012.

(Also, another teaser clip should be up on Facebook on Tuesday!)




Hear The Black Prism on GraphicAudio!

Got a long plane ride home from holidays with the relatives? Still stuck in your plowed-in Ford Fiesta trying to avoid the 50th round of “I SPY” and “20 Questions”? Time will fly (even if your plane is grounded) if you’re listening to the first audio installment of The Black Prism! Just think of it as a post-holiday present from me — that you have to pay for. (Hey, you should see my credit card statement!)

GraphicAudio is releasing the audiobook version of The Black Prism in three installments, one each month from now until March–which just so happens to be my birth month. And what am I getting you for my birthday? You guessed it!

So, if you’ve got the holiday blues… get something Black. If that last fruitcake has you feeling bloated… try on six figure-slimming hours of sheer resonant bliss!

If you have trouble committing, (well, first of all, c’mon, it’s NEW YEARS, if you can’t commit mindlessly now, when can you?) *Ahem.* That is, if you have trouble committing, you can listen to an hour-long excerpt here, and download the MP3 or buy the CDs here.

We also sell diet books.*

I hear it’s a growth market.

*No, ma, not really.

The Best-selling SFF Debut of 2008 is…

Complicated. No, really. According to Bookscan (the most accurate measure of book sales available), the best-selling fantasy debut of 2008 in the United States was Russell Kirkpatrick, with Across the Face of the World (excerpt HERE). I came in at #2 with The Way of Shadows–not bad for a book that’s only been out three months! Congratulations, Russell.

In the UK, however, I did grab the big chihuahua. #1 in the land of Shakespeare and Scary Spice, baby. Brilliant!

I have to confess to being particularly pleased by this tidbit from the press release: “Tim Holman said, ‘This year has also got off to a great start for Brent: this week, the three books in the Night Angel Trilogy are the first, second, and third bestselling mass-market paperbacks in the UK SFF market.'” Aside from the obvious (it’s great to be selling well), I like to think that means something. You can fool a reader with a great cover, and I do have great covers. But if what’s between the covers stinks, most people aren’t going to come back for more punishment.  Right? Unless people in the UK are such art-lovers that they decided that the covers alone are worth eight pounds. Which is possible. Crap.

In other news, the Great Arbiter of All Things Worth Knowing (Wikipedia, natch), now lists your humble correspondent. (Thanks to you fans who took it upon yourselves to make sure the world knows I exist.)