Drey’s Library: Q&A, Giveaway, Guest Posts!


This December, Brent is the featured author over at Drey’s Library. That means he not only has a new interview over there, he’s also giving away 1 signed hardcover of The Blinding Knife and 5 signed paperbacks of The Black Prism! (International entries are welcome.)

In addition, Drey’s Library will feature a review of his books and two short posts by Brent later in the month: one about his favorite books and another on a topic of his choice. (We’ll let you know when those posts go live.)

So take a look at the Q&A and enter the giveaway HERE!

3 thoughts on “Drey’s Library: Q&A, Giveaway, Guest Posts!

  1. Anthony says:

    Hey Brent! Any chance of you visiting Vancouver Canada for a signing in the near future?

  2. Max says:

    Hi Brent,

    great interview as always. Looking forward to finally reading The Blinding Knife!

  3. Johnny Hawk says:

    I enjoyed your latest interview with Drey’s Library, especially the part where Grima faced off against Harry Potter. I just have to say that I am a deeply immeresed in The Black Prism and I am hurrying to finish it so I can start The Blinding Knife. I just recieved it in the mail a few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to get my Uncle (who lives in Oregon) to get my copy autographed by you. I was so excited when it came in the mail. I just wanted to say thank you for the work you do and keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing how the Lightbringer series progresses and your future works!

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