Pejjo has ‘fessed up that he’s a Canadian who enjoys writing limericks, and winning the contest was unintentional — so one of the signed copies of The Black Prism goes to warscarr! Here’s his limerick:
There once was a boy in despair,
His life was so very unfair,
But he learnt to draft,
And then how he laughed,
Coz he’s the fucking turtle bear!
The limerick winners are Doc G and Pejjo.
They have shown unusual mojo,
Their limericks were good —
At least for this ‘hood —
The rest got arrested by metrical Po-Po.
(P.S. It’s actually drglorae, but hey.)
Scary islands of colorful freaks
And a girl who drafts paryl and sneaks
I just want to read more
See what Kip’s got in store
But I’m waiting for years, for Weeks.
ahem vulgarity.
Out of the warrens Kyler arose
To learn the way of shadows he chose.
Great in a fight.
But when in sight,
Of a pair of tits he froze.
Link to the full list of limericks HERE.
UPDATE: Honorable mention must go to Dr. Jacob K., who entered too late, but sent us this gem:
A quotidian auctor alludes
To Teutonic or dead Roman dudes
But that Schriftsteller Weeks
Refers to the Greeks
And the φίλοι with whom he colludes.