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Throwback Thursday: Night Angel Edition VIII

Here it is, folks: our last look back at NIGHT ANGEL in its nascence.

Now we move on to THE BURNING WHITE.

I’m currently standing RIGHT NEXT next to Brent, staring him down while he tries to type, muttering something about the meaninglessness of life in a soft monotone, in kind of a homage to Persona/Animaniacs. 

Since I’m 5’2″, I’m also standing on a box of copies of THE BLACK PRISM.


*runs for her life*

Night Angel Omnibus Glossary

Well, it took some doing, but I’m happy to be able to bring you the brand-new Night Angel Omnibus Glossary. I usually find glossaries to be boring, so I gave this one a bit of a voice and a story that you can see played out through the head notes, the marginalia, the end notes, and also in the comments on the Character List. I hope you have fun reading it. I certainly had fun writing it.

Also, if you’re looking at this as you read The Night Angel Trilogy for the first time, the terms and characters are spoiler-free as of the first time you read them in the text. If, on the other hand, you read straight through the entire glossary, you will probably have some things spoiled for you. When a writer’s stories have as many twists and turns as mine do, it’s hard to write a glossary like this at all! A big thank you to Orbit for giving me permission to post these, and in particular to Alex L. who helped us figure out a way to make these viewable with the margin notes intact.

The Glossary is HERE, and will also live under the Extras tab.