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TBT: Lightbringer edition, vol VIII

What better way to wrap up the Lightbringer edition of Throwback Thursday than to highlight some fan-favorite scenes from the series?

Here’s the video we put together for Facebook:

And for Twitter:

A sincere thank you to everyone who contributed to this!

Throwback Thursday: Night Angel Edition VIII

Here it is, folks: our last look back at NIGHT ANGEL in its nascence.

Now we move on to THE BURNING WHITE.

I’m currently standing RIGHT NEXT next to Brent, staring him down while he tries to type, muttering something about the meaninglessness of life in a soft monotone, in kind of a homage to Persona/Animaniacs. 

Since I’m 5’2″, I’m also standing on a box of copies of THE BLACK PRISM.


*runs for her life*