Fan Art Tuesday: A Turtle-Bear Tattoo
This week’s fan art was sent to us from AJ Peters, who got this KILLER turtle-bear tattoo:

AJ got his ink from Chip Douglas at Great Lakes Tattoo in Chicago. Nice work, Chip!
This week’s fan art was sent to us from AJ Peters, who got this KILLER turtle-bear tattoo:
AJ got his ink from Chip Douglas at Great Lakes Tattoo in Chicago. Nice work, Chip!
Happy Tuesday everyone!
We’ve been holding on to this bit of fan art for a while, so we could really highlight it’s awesomitude ( or fantabulousness, if you prefer). Author Ben Galley animated the cover of THE BURNING WHITE (it’s a 10-second video, so you’ll need to press play):
Galley sent us a GIF as well, but note that it’s lower res and doesn’t look quite as cool:
Thanks for bringing this beautiful color to life, Ben!
You can check out his other work (including his fantasy series!) on Facebook and Twitter.
Well friends,
The White Hot Book Tour is officially over. It was exhilarating, and exhausting, and inspiring, and resplendent. One for the ages.
And it included some really lovely artwork from fans. Like this fun illustration of Gavin:
A fan gave this to us at Powell’s. I snapped a picture to share here.
“So CAPSLOCK, who exactly was this fan? Does she have any other work online?”
Ummmmmm, I forgot to ask. Ever true to form.
Any way, this is my segue into a reminder that we are holding a Nine Kings Fan Art Contest, and you should enter! Click through for details.
Also, I’m here to remind fans in the US and the UK that you still have two days to enter the Orbit Loot Giveaway, if you haven’t already. The ONLY WAY to get this prize–an exclusive Lightbringer hardcover box set–is to enter the giveaway. All you need is an email address!
Hi friends!
In this edition of Fan Art Tuesday, we’re featuring illustrations of a few Lightbringer characters from the talented and illustrious Victoria Campbell (v3ici) :
You can find more of Victoria’s work on their website, Instagram, and Twitter. They also have a Patreon page.
Holy crow! Fan Even Ennis commissioned this ASTONISHING Lightbringer v. Night Angel tattoo, featuring Kip and Kylar:
Evan says it took an entire YEAR to complete (uh, not in one sitting, but you get the idea). Major props to Evan and his tattoo artist for having the patience, pain tolerance, and perseverance to make this beauty!
If you’re in Maryland, USA, you can tell Rob Zeinog at Evolved Body Arts that he does spectacular work.
Lloyd Bussio, artist and Lightbringer fan hailing from South Africa, shared the video below a while back. It shows his process in creating Andross Guile’s Nine Kings card, The Master:
We also featured the finished product here in 2016, when we only knew Lloyd as AceManOntheScene.
You can see more of his work on Instagram, or on YouTube.
Keep up the great work Lloyd!
Lauren Melone sent us this photo of her wearing a t-shirt that she designed herself.
I don’t know about y’all, but I NEED one of these shirts! Granted, I won’t look as badass as Lauren does in it, but still. I would wear it almost every day, and on the off days I would hang it somewhere I could see it.
YAAAAAAS! Thanks for sharing, Lauren!
Hi friends! It’s been a minute since we’ve seen some sweet, sweet fan art. So I have a good one for you today!
A full-color map of The Seven Satrapies, as depicted by Koriel Kruer:
She sent this to us a while back, and I’m finally getting around to sharing it (sorry for the delay, Koriel).
You can find Ms. Kruer on Twitter, and find her AMAZING costume creations on Instagram. Seriously, check out her top nine from 2018:
Alrightey, back to the assisting grind. UGH, life is sooooo haaaaaard 😉
This week we are featuring a fun #BattleWornBooks competition photo from Dave. It doesn’t qualify as an entry, but we enjoy his effort and creativity. We’re guessing he has spent a fair bit time on Fark, dominating the Photoshop contests…
You can check out Dave’s Instagram page for more images, etc.