New (Spanish) Website!

In Spain, they tell me, el asasino perfecto no tiene amigos, sino objectivos.
Thanks to the hard work of our friends in Spain at Random House Mondadori, we’ve got a fantastic new Spanish-language website! It’s got something for everyone: a quiz competition for a FREE copy of the second book (coming out November 19th!), a place for reviews & comments, a count-down clock to the release of Al Filo De La Sombras, and links to a Spanish “Weekipedia”!!
As you astute readers might have guessed, the Weekipedia is a spot for Spanish-speakers to indulge their love the Night Angel Trilogy by sharing with factoids on characters, places, and events in the Night Angel universe!
Plus, you can get a peek at the new cover of soon-to-be-released Al Filo De La Sombras.
(To us Spanish-speaking-ignoramuses, that’s The Shadow’s Edge.)