$1.99 e-Book

If you have recently purchased a handy-dandy e-Reader, and you’re not yet in trouble with your bank, parents, or significant other for your impulse purchases — boy do I have a deal for you!

Today The Way of Shadows e-book is available for $1.99.  This is a limited time offer, available only in the United States for 24 hours, this Thursday only.

Impulses, rejoice!

Go here, here, here, or here to buy the e-book.

11 thoughts on “$1.99 e-Book

  1. Brian says:

    I’ve had your series on my “might read someday” list for a while. For $2 I can’t NOT try it now.

  2. Erin Klitzke says:

    Part of me regrets having the three-book set on my Kobo already.

    Then most of me doesn’t, because it was one of the first ebooks I bought after I got my Kobo. This said, it is my opinion that people should GO BUY THIS BOOK NOW. It’s a good quality ebook and an awesome story.

  3. Ford says:

    I read the originals in paperback… debating whether or not to buy this again in e-reader… Brent do you think the other e-books will go on a lightning sale like this in the future? Otherwise, I’m torn on whether or not to buy the book again. But at $1.99 per book for all 3, I’d jump on it right now and you could have my money again 🙂

    I have much love for your books!

  4. Kim says:

    I have the same line of thought as Erin does, only I have mine on the Kindle.

  5. Catherine Davie says:

    My sister has been bugging me to read this trilogy for quite a while now. (In fact, I found out about this deal via said sister’s Facebook updates.) This finally pushed me over the edge. 🙂

  6. Amazing. I read this book three times already. Had the collection given to me as a gift . Then I gave to someone else as a gift. Bought the boxed trilogy. And now I just got it on the Kindle. Brent Weeks Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Erin Klitzke says:

    Congrats on being the #1 ebook on Amazon!

  8. Brum says:

    My friend recommended them to me awhile back and I bought the trilogy. I have to admit that I was so enthralled with the series that I spent two days AT work reading the books. Fantastic!!

  9. Dillon says:

    Loved the perfect shadow e-book I wish I could have read more on durzos past and all the things he did!!

  10. Dani says:

    Just finished The Way of Shadows, after buying it on the $1.99 special. I’m glad Amazon suggested it to me (I hadn’t heard of you or the series before seeing the sale ad), and I’ve already purchased books 2 and 3 at regular price. 😉 Btw, I read the Acknowledgments. Thanks for making me feel special.

  11. Chad M says:

    already have them all and enjoyed them very much

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