International Editions and Book Tour Dates Imminent

Just a few quick news items this week.

First, in my assistant’s slow quest to reach her level cap, she’s recently been grinding on a laggy server called WordPress tutorials. Most recently, she’s cast an AoE spell on the international editions page. Check it out. It looks spiffy.

Second, I will soon be able to announce some book tour dates for the mass market paperback release of The Black Prism, which has official release date of the 29th of August, but may be shipping up to a week early. You can order the book here, here, here, and here (or if you love e-books, you can grab the Kindle, Nook, Kobo, or Sony eReader versions) or from your favorite book retailer.

I can’t announce specific tour venues yet, but I will be hitting Portland, Seattle, and L.A.  And in my continuing bid to not abandon any corner of the country, I’ll be doing my first ever event in the South around the time of DragonCon in Atlanta.

Third, we’re looking into celebrating the paperback release with some sort of open chat with those of you who are on the Ning forum. Not sure yet how we’re going to bring order to the chaos, but we’ll think of something!

6 thoughts on “International Editions and Book Tour Dates Imminent

  1. Luke says:

    I would like to simply thank you for coming to Atlanta. Like really, THANKS. It makes me happy. That is what I mean when authors should see if they can make it every corner/area of the country, lets say for instances the South. Being able to come to a big hub in the southern area (East of the Mississippi River and south of Kentucky).

    Again Thank you very much.

  2. Tim says:

    That’s great. If I hadn’t already bought the hardback of Black Prism, I’d be mega excited about the paperback. Cheaper, and it’s still a book. And open discussion on the forum? Sounds great. Assuming I don’t have some other commitment (such as work, uni, or sleep) I’ll be there for that. Possibly even if I do.

    Also, the new page for the international editions looks great.

  3. Mary says:

    The East Coast needs some love!

  4. Filon says:

    Any chance you will be visiting Poland? 😉
    Because we LOVE your books here!

  5. sieghl says:

    Hi there.
    I’m from Poland and I love your books. I’m quite a big fan… 😛
    Maybe someday you’ll visit our country.
    Cities like Danzig (Gdansk) and Krakow have beautiful history and legends around them.
    They give a kick of inspiration for a writer.
    Hope to see you soon in Europe 🙂
    Miracles sometimes happen.
    Keep the Good Work!

  6. Ash says:

    first sentence, reminded me of wow.

    Very awsome pic, love your books, still cant wait for the next one. looking foreward to it =)


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