
I’m pleased to announce that Tantor Media has purchased the rights to produce audiobooks of the complete Night Angel Trilogy. They have contracted actor Paul Boehmer to narrate. Work is already underway and the audiobook of The Way of Shadows will be available July 16th, followed by Shadow’s Edge on August 13th, and Beyond the Shadows on September 13th. Audio samples should be available on the linked pages soon. The books will be available both as audio CDs and mp3 CDs. They’re also available for pre-order HERE at and doubtless elsewhere as well.

27 thoughts on “Audiobooks!

  1. D.D says:

    Sweet- audio book out on my B-day. I wonder if I’ll get it….probally, but ive never never listened to an audiobook before, are they any good?

  2. Chet says:

    They are very entertaining. I used to buy them when I was in outside sales. very much worth the money and enjoyable.

  3. Jonathan says:

    This will be perfect. As these books caught on among my friends and coworkers I’ve noticed a trend. Nearly each one has experienced extreme difficulty putting the book down. Even when it might be in their best interest. Such as when we are driving.

  4. jesse says:

    Thats great news, i cant wait to get it on my ipod

  5. Christian says:

    Sweet! I was just lookign to see if there was one of these!

    @ D.D :

    It all depends on the narrator. I’ve listened to some that are just horrible and others that I can’t stop listening too.

  6. This random guy says:

    I am definitely interested in an audio book, but I have no idea what it is. I am guessing that it relates to somebody reading the book, and taping themselves? It would be cool all the same.

  7. Blase says:

    I just got the first two books on iTunes and am in the process of listening. I was just wondering if you, Brent, had any time in the studio with the man doing the reading. I’m basicly wondering if this is the correct way everything is supposed to be pronounced, I had other ideas for how names sounded when I was reading.

    Also, passed your books on to another friend, and he agrees more night angels!

  8. Dominique says:

    Bought the first audiobook a couple days ago on Listened to it for hours and hours. Then bought the second one. I’m downloading it as I type and will be listening to it in a few minutes. I look forward to the third one being released. Hopefully it’s on as well. Well, my iPod is telling me my book is ready, so I’m gonna go listen.

    Great books, by the way.


  9. Jason says:

    Where oh where is book 3 on audio?! I thought it was out on September 13th but I can’t find it anywhere to purchase! iTunes, Audible, or Amazon no one has it. I need Beyond the Shadows on audio book, the Night Angel series is like a drug and I need my fix!

  10. Littlechiit says:

    This series Rocks Waiting on the 3rd book to goto Audio so work is bearable

  11. bLake says:

    I looked on Tantor Media’s website and it looks like Beyond the Shadows audiobook will be available on 9/27

  12. Chad says:

    When is “Beyond the Shadows” audiobook going to be available? I can’t find it anywhere.

    1. brent says:

      The Tantor website has a release date of 9/27, but you’re right, it’s not released yet on Amazon. Best I can say is “soon.”

    2. Brent just wanted to say I ordered/listened to “beyond the shadows about 9 months ago. Really loved the series. Hopefully you will come out w/ more novels who have the durzo blint character. He was bad dude….my favorite. Ha

  13. Brad says:

    It is now well into October where is the 3rd book?

    1. brent says:

      Brad – it now shows up on Amazon as buyable!

  14. Brian says:

    Tantor site now says 12/21/09 release date.
    Audible doesn’t have it yet. Anyone have any luck ordering thru Amazon?

  15. Blase says:

    iTunes is slow to update if it is buyable. Cursed iTunes.

  16. Blase says:

    Just stopped by the Tantor site, says release is now 12/21/09

  17. Shawn says:

    Dear Mr. Weeks,
    I really enjoyed the first two books (from Audible). Fantastic work!

    I am looking forward to the release of your third book in the Audio format.


  18. Chris says:

    Loved first two books on audio, the only way I do books any more. The story felt so real, it was almost like I was there with the characters. The narrator is very good, not great, but very good. Can’t wait to hear the 3rd one. I have been bugging audible about it, but never get a reply back. Glad to see someone got a release date.

  19. Brian says:

    Woot! Audible has Beyond the Shadows available as of this morning…

  20. Nice Post. I searched the whole net for something like “Brent Weeks | Author of the Night Angel Trilogy”. Thanks a lot, it assisted me out.

  21. James says:

    Oh man…the guy that reads these is TERRIBLE. He totally ruins the gritty feeling of the books. He gives Solon Tofusin a high class BRITISH accent and its just ridiculous. Who among you actually thought a Sethi would sound like the Queen?

    SOooo disappointed

  22. Dan says:

    I want to get the 2nd and 3rd books but they are not licensed in australia and thus i miss out.. super frustrating as i have already listened to the first and wanna hear the last 2…

  23. Ben says:

    I can’t get the last two books in the series because I live in Australia. Is there nothing that can be done for us Aussies?

    1. Jim says:

      Ben and Dan, I am an Aussie but I joined American and never migrated to the Aussie one because the American Audible has so many more books. The trouble is once you join the Aussie one or migrate to it, you can’t go back.

      I loved the Audio Books, I thought the Narator was quite good, some of the accents were a surprise but I don’t think any were particularly detrimental. Better than some voice artists that don’t try to intone any differently for the voices. I started listening to the Light Bringer series and while I wait for the 4th book in that I listened to these, I have listened to all the lightbringer and the dark angel books in a month and considering they are all 20+ hour long audio books it goes to say they definitely held my interest and I highly recommend them.

      Nice work Brent and Paul (Narrator)

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