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1 Buck Promo Expanded

Fictionwise, Stanza, and Ereader have ironed out their issues, and will be selling The Way of Shadows for $1, but only until the end of the month! (Joining Amazon and Sony — where I’ve got the #1 best seller!

So yes, this means you can now read my book on your iPhone. Just read fast. That battery dies quick.

Oh, and if it helps… A fan writes in, “The Way of Shadows was written in Oregon! And you know how they write quality books in Oregon!” [Insert more breathless shilling here.]

My Book… for a Buck

Rejoice, all e-book readers. If you read books through the Amazon Kindle, Mobipocket or Sony, during the month of January, you can get The Way of Shadows for $1.

That’s right, for the same price you spent in a moment of weakness on that last shamefully lip-synched song by an over-produced Disney boyband from iTunes, you can get the first book of the Night Angel Trilogy.

Have a fear of commitment? Hey, it’s only a dollar! Poor because you spent $359 to read $8 books? Hey, it’s only a dollar!

Technophiles, this is what you’ve been waiting for. Here’s your line: “Look how cheap the books are on this, honey. In the long run, we’ll save money.”

A fancy new Kindle (sold separately),  none of the guilt that comes from supporting a boyband–and for a limited time, this special offer even comes with a halfway decent book! And hey, it’s only a dollar! If it were any cooler, we’d have to hire that guy from the Sham-Wow! commercials.

And even if you want to pass on my book, Orbit will be running the same promotion with different authors every month. Check it out HERE.

(Wow, being a breathless shill is tiring. I think I’ll go back to being a nerdy novelist, and I promise my next post will contain no more than one exclamation point.)

UPDATE: Due to sad “territoriality issues,” Mobipocket has bailed from this cool promo. Good news–well, for me–is that The Way of Shadows has been #1 in the Sony e-store for the past week. Good news for all Sony readers is that Sony has finally got book 3 (Beyond the Shadows) into its store. (A mere two months and dozens of emails later!) Sorry for the extra snark this morning–I haven’t had my coffee yet.