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Fan Art Tuesday: Lightbringer vs. Night Angel Tattoo

Holy crow! Fan Even Ennis commissioned this ASTONISHING Lightbringer v. Night Angel tattoo, featuring Kip and Kylar:




Evan says it took an entire YEAR to complete (uh, not in one sitting, but you get the idea). Major props to Evan and his tattoo artist for having the patience, pain tolerance, and perseverance to make this beauty!

If you’re in Maryland, USA, you can tell Rob Zeinog at Evolved Body Arts that he does spectacular work.

Birthday Crossover Art!

Hi friends! Thanks for sending me your SPECTACULAR Hitchhiker’s Guide/Lightbringer or Night Angel fan art. You each made my 42nd birthday extra-special, and you managed to spark a little joy into our brittle, obsidian hearts.

This one is from Victoria, who asked: “[could Durzo] handle the best drink in existence?  Or if the ka’kari would ruin the full experience? Maybe it’s just me.” 


The next [delicious] one is from Deana, who said: “I hope you all enjoy Kip Guile in his Turtle-bear form holding Hellfang.  He’s falling along with petunias made of various luxin colors, including white. I made the turtle-bear of 3 different icing colors, and 2 different fondant colors to make it more dynamic. I hope the Chromeria doesn’t knock me for this. The cake is Devil’s Food, with chocolate filling and luxin color sprinkles, covered in buttercream icing. The “Don’t Panic” letters were drawn freehand with melted candy. Turtleback and flower pot are made of rice-crispy treats covered in icing and fondant.”


This one is from Zsuzsi, who said: “So, did you guys know that under the RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE, there’s a blue cell with a prisoner inside? And there’s an android called MARVISIA, who has to throw a blue bread down a chute every single day? …It’s a diorama with some discussions. The dolls, the blue cell and the bread are planned and crocheted by me for this mission. But I have to say special thanks to my 4 year old daughter, who did not draw all over my notes. 🙂
Sentences with blue – are from the book Restaurant at the End of the Universe…
Sentences with red – those are from Blinding Knife… well, a bit modified 🙂
Oh, and I know Gavin’s hand is on Blood Forest, but let’s say, he’s pointing at Ru 🙂


Next we have this bit of hilarity from Tim:


And finally, an excerpt from the short story created by Sophia:

“The Wight in question was the strangest red wight or wight of any color that [Gavin had] ever seen. The halo around its eyes had clearly broken and the red had gushed through, drenching the oddly triangular eyes in an even, scarlet glow. The body was made with a strange kind of silvery luxin. Silver! Gavin had not known about the existence of this metallic silver luxin. It was strange behavior, particularly in a red. Why would a crazy, hot-headed red choose a silver body? And how? Still, its physical aspects were not even the strangest thing about it. That would be the fact that it looked depressed instead of angry and passionate. A red.”

You all are the best. Thank you again!

Real Life Fantasy: A Brief History of Blue

The color blue has a pretty awesome place in human history. Many professional smartypantses [archaeologists, evolutionary biologists, historians, et al] believe humans evolved the ability to perceive the color, in a gradual shift from bichromatic to trichromatic vision. Last time we shared a bit of Real Life Fantasy, it was mentioned that there’s no word for the color blue in ancient languages (including Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, among others). The coolest evidence of this lack is in Homer’s version of The Odyssey, in which he describes the sea as “wine-red” rather than any shade of blue. And if our man Homer didn’t even have a word for blue, it seems safe to expect that none of his friends had the word either.

But luckily for Ironfist, and Cruxer, and Samila Sayeh, blue started showing up in Egyptian jewelry around 4,000 BCE, and in pigment (known now as “Egyptian Blue”) around 2,200 BCE.

Egyptian Juglet, ca. 1750–1640 B.C. (Photo: Met Museum, Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922. (CC0 1.0))

Multiple shades of blue–including ultramarine and cobalt blue– were being used by artists centuries before the era of the Seven Satrapies. By the time Gollaïr and Solarch show up around 142 anno lucidonius, they have a full complement of blues from which to choose.

Small sculpture of a young blue dragon
“Blue Morpho,” Windstone Editions

ANY way,  this entry into RLF canon is an article from My Modern Met–the website for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. There they talk about blue’s place in art history (which is to say, human history). It’s brief, and beautiful.

classic Vermeer portrait of a young woman wearing a blue headscarf
Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring


Fan Art Tuesday: A Turtle-Bear tattoo

Today we have a special edition of Fan Art Tuesday: Ben Crawford designed this Lightbringer tattoo, inspired by Kip’s turtle-bear.

Ben told us that he’s had to deal with a lot in the last couple of years, and seeing the turtle-bear helps him push through. Thanks for sharing the design with us, friend.




Life, The Universe, and Brent Turning 42

Hi friends!

CAPSLOCK here to let y’all in on a fun project I’ve got going to celebrate Jefe turning 42 in March. Since it’s his Answer Birthday, I thought it appropriate to celebrate by giving away stuff!

Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to create a piece of hybrid art that celebrates NIGHT ANGEL or LIGHTBRINGER and THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE.  Take your favorite bit from one of Brent’s stories (a character, or concept, or object) and add it to the HHGG Universe. Or vice versa.

Think whale and sea demon fighting over a pot of petunias. Andross playing Nine Kings against Marvin. Zaphod holding a ka’kari. Durzo stealing the Heart of Gold. Karris and Ford playing Krikket against Kylar and Arthur. Or keep it simple and come up with a quote that merges a line from each author.

Use whatever medium you love most: cross stitch, cookies, paintings, photography, cosplay, ceramics, woodworking, digital art, words… Heck, you wanna send us a [short] bit of hybrid fanfic? Have you often wondered how a conversation between Dorian and Zaphod would go? Make it happen!

The prize for FOUR lucky winners (other than knowing you’ve made your favorite author’s birthday super-duper-extra amazing) will be either a signed copy of one of Brent’s books, a t-shirt, and/or a bookmark made by none other than Instagram’s @kylarguile.

Send photos of your masterpiece to ME [] by March 31, 11:42pm PST. We’ll announce the winners on April 4, 2019.

And, as usual, you have to be at least 18 years old to win.

I’m so excited to see what y’all come up with!

P.S. If you are thoroughly confused by this, and you have no idea what the heck The Hitchhiker’s Guide is, it’s totally okay. Brent has still only read the first book in the series–and that was recently!–so you’re not alone. And if you’re a hoopy frood who had the words “DON’T PANIC” in friendly green wooden letters above their crib, NO SHAMING. We are all friends here.

Real Life [and a tiny bit of] Fantasy: Colors, Seen and Heard



We’re a bit late on this one… But if you haven’t ever listened to the Radiolab podcast (produced by WNYC/NY Public Radio), let us recommend you start with one of their most popular episodes, about colors.


They talk a little bit about the history of color perception. They also dive into how different creatures perceive color (because some species have more receptors than we do, and some have less), and how they use that perception for more than just visual communication.

A mantis shrimp. These critters have SIXTEEN different light receptors in their eyes!

My favorite part of this episode is their use of choral music to represent rainbows! It’s a delightful way to spend an hour.

And while this particular entry isn’t relevant to Lightbringer by itself, it is the first of an ongoing series where we explore the history of color. Which is to say, the next few entries will build upon one another in some unexpected and lovely ways.

Take care, friends!

Fan Art Tuesday: Koriel Kruer

Hi friends! It’s been a minute since we’ve seen some sweet, sweet fan art. So I have a good one for you today!

A full-color map of The Seven Satrapies, as depicted by Koriel Kruer:

She sent this to us a while back, and I’m finally getting around to sharing it (sorry for the delay, Koriel).

You can find Ms. Kruer on Twitter, and find her AMAZING costume creations on Instagram. Seriously, check out her top nine from 2018:

Alrightey, back to the assisting grind. UGH, life is sooooo haaaaaard 😉

International Cover Art: China

Take a look at these stunning cover images for THE BROKEN EYE and THE BLOOD MIRROR!



That’s… Well, that’s all we have to say for now.

Look, y’all, Christmas is one week from today. Brent is holed up in his office with a cache of eggnog and gingerbread and refuses to leave until he’s done writing. All I’m saying is there had better be a BIG FREAKIN’ PRESENT for me under the tree this year.

Fan Art Tuesday: A Lightbringer Gem!

In the spirit of the season, today’s post is a little bit Fan Art and a little bit “Here’s an idea if you’re looking for a gift for the Brent Weeks fan who has everything.”

Small faceted yellow oval gemstone


Brothers Stephen and Tim Challener cut a gemstone to look like yellow luxin! It’s hard to capture how beautiful it is–and in the evening light, it looks like it’s glowing. Stunning!

They had this to say about these special gems:

“We call these stones ‘yellow luxin’ because they have an uncanny glow to them, like the magical gemstone in the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks. He was kind enough to let us use the name, which is incredibly nice of him. In the Lightbringer series, perfect yellow luxin is an indestructible material made out of yellow light, which glows in the dark and can be used to fuel other magics. In our world, this is a rare type of synthetic garnet – a cerium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet currently used in lasers, LEDs, & x-ray detectors. It is one of the most fluorescent crystals that can be manufactured – and most of the more fluorescent ones, like NaI:TI (we Googled it for you: sodium iodide doped with thalium), are extremely soft and don’t like water. This synthetic garnet will happily turn just about any light in the spectrum above yellow into yellow light. This gives it a very uncanny glow, particularly under indirect sunlight. Your eye tells you something weird is going on, because the stone is more yellow than it should be – it’s like it’s Photoshopped into real life.”

They have an appropriately successful (which is to say, flourishing) store on Etsy, with rough and faceted gemstone necklaces, rings, and earrings. There’s an impressive collection of beautiful and unique stones, many of which they mined themselves. They also have an Instagram page, which features their jewelry as well as some beautiful images of light captured by the gemstones. Gorgeous work, guys!

Yellow "luxin" gemstone from a second angle

Yellow "luxin" gemstone from a third angle