The Black Prism in China

UPDATE: We think we have identified the artist. Check out Jian Guo’s other amazing work HERE, including some amazing tributes to Tolkien and covers for other fantasy authors such as Marion Zimmer Bradley and Gene Wolfe. (Thanks to Miro below, who gave us the tip!)

Exciting news! The Black Prism publishes next month in China, thanks to the work of Chongqing Books. Look at this awesome cover:


Tlack prism China

I have the enormous privilege to see a lot of cool takes on cover art that are each influenced by their country, culture, and audience’s expectations of what a fantasy cover should look like, but few have been as striking as this. I love how it unfolds the longer you look at it. It’s a little bit Link from Legend of Zelda, a little Lord of the Rings, and a little bit the stained glass sequence from Beauty and the Beast.

I love it. (If anyone can tell me the artist’s name, I’d be more than happy to link to him or her!)


2 thoughts on “The Black Prism in China

  1. Miro says:

    I love that cover! I’m not certain, but it could be this guy:
    Even if he isn’ t the one who did your cover, he has a very similar style and some of his illustrations are absolutely breathtaking.

  2. Neil says:

    How would one go about buying a foreign edition of a book such as this? The cover is just way too cool not to have on my bookshelf…thoughts? Thanks!

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