New Book, Website, & Facebook Page for Spanish-Speaking Fans

EDIT II: is now up and running! 

EDIT: Looks like we jumped the gun a bit. Mondadori is still finalizing some of the content and the final home. It should all be up today or Monday! The actual URL will be 

Or should I say:  Nuevo libro, página web, y página de Facebook en español? (Once again, I appreciate Google Translate!)


That’s right, for those of you who have been following my work in Spanish, El Prisma Negro has just been released. You can check it out HERE.

My publisher in Spain has also just opened a new Spanish-language website for me as well! Check out and let me know what you think in the comments. I’m also hoping to add some exclusive content over there, so be sure to check for updates.

And if you’re on Facebook, “like” my new Spanish Brent Weeks page HERE so you can all the latest updates.

A big thanks to Random House Mondadori, who put this together.



2 thoughts on “New Book, Website, & Facebook Page for Spanish-Speaking Fans

  1. Luis says:

    I’m very glad to see that they keep publishing your books in Spain, it sucks when you read great books but you can’t share them with your friends because they’re not in spanish.

    You should come here to sign some books.

  2. Steven says:

    God I really love these alternate covers.

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