Updated Dragon*Con Schedule

Here is the best information I have for the events I’ll be attending at Dragon*Con. Note that I’ve added a nearby off-site KaffeeKlatsch/Literary Beer. (For those of you who’ve never heard of such strange things, this will basically be an opportunity to sit down with a group of 10-15 people and me and chat for an hour or two.)

Title: Crossing the line: Too much or not enough Attending Authors (besides Brent): Gary Kim Hayes, Shelly Shapiro, Elizabeth Moon, A.J. Hartley, Nancy L. Holder
Time: Sat 08:30 pm Location: Manila / Singapore / Hong Kong – Hyatt (Length: 1 hour)
Description: How much violence, blood and gore is too much? Is there a limit? Are you flirting with that line?

Title: Blood & Steel Attending Authors (besides Brent): David B. Coe, Gail Z. Martin, Carole Nelson Douglas
Time: Sun 10:00 am PM Location: Montreal / Vancouver – Hyatt (Length:1 hour)
Description: Tales of swords, sorcery, and grim adventure.

*NOTE: There is some confusion about whether this event is at 10 am or at 10 pm. I’ve asked the programming staff and will update this page as soon as I know.*

*UPDATE: The panel is at 10PM.

Title: Dragon*Autographs Attending Authors (besides Brent): Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, C.L. Wilson
Time: Sun 11:30 am Location: M301 – M304 – Marriott (Length: 1 hour)

Please note that there will be NO books for sale at this signing, so please bring your own copies for me to sign. (I will sign bookplates  for those who forget their books… but let’s be honest, that’s not quite as cool as a signed book, is it?)

Where: M301-M304 (Marriott)

*We may also be adding a KaffeeKlatch/Literary Beer or booksigning at a nearby bookstore — will update with details as soon as they’re available!*

We will be having an unofficial KaffeeKlatch/Literary Beer off-site from Dragon*Con but nearby at 3pm on Sunday. We’ll likely limit the numbers so you can actually talk to me. I’ve never been to Dragon*Con or the bar where the event will be held, so I’m kind of feeling my way through the dark here. It’s free, but you must register. To register, simply email me (brent [at]brentweeks.com) with “DragonCon” or “Dragon*Con” in the subject line and I’ll email back where it will be. You can register for yourself and a guest. First come, first served.

4 thoughts on “Updated Dragon*Con Schedule

  1. Lyn says:

    Nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! You missed my country by a few kilometres to the south. T____T *Starts packing my hiking gears* Oh wait, passport, passport. Mine expired a while ago. *screams the long “no” again*

    Just a question, though. How can you be at Manila, Singapore and Hong Kong at the same time? Or does it mean “or” and I’m just being dumb?

    Anyway, first =D

    1. brent says:

      Sorry, two people have asked about this now. Those are simply areas at the convention… All still in Atlanta. Sorry!

      1. Lyn says:

        Ouch… Sorry for my bighead. Haha.
        Thanks for your reply anyway! I was surprised (pleasantly, of course) :3
        All the best!

  2. Jon Sprunk says:


    It was awesome to meet you and your lovely wife. I hope I didn’t say anything too embarrassing in my inebriated state(s).

    I finally picked up the Night Angel trilogy. Hopefully we’ll meet at another convention so I can get them signed.

    All the best,

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