How to Read Perfect Shadow… without an e-Reader

Ok, I have to admit the title of this post is misleading. The truth is you do need an e-reader — just not a physical one. If you own a PC, a Mac, an iPad, an iPhone, a BlackBerry, or an Android phone… you can get an e-reader app for free. And once you’ve got that done, you can download Perfect Shadow instantly — and for cheap. Perfect Shadow will be available in all these formats, and internationally, in June. I hope the following tutorials make life a little easier for those of you who are ready to cautiously dip your toes into the new world of e-publishing.

* To download Nook for PC go HERE.
* To download Nook for Mac go HERE.
* To download Nook for other platforms go HERE.


*To download Kindle for PC go HERE.
* To download Kindle for Mac go HERE.
* To download Kindle for other platforms go HERE.



* To download Kobo for PC go HERE.
* To download Kobo for Mac go HERE.
* To download Kobo for other platforms go HERE.



* To download Sony Reader for PC go HERE.
* To download Sony Reader for Mac go HERE.
* To download Sony Reader for other platforms go HERE.


20 thoughts on “How to Read Perfect Shadow… without an e-Reader

  1. Ashley says:

    Wow… This is super cool! Thanks!!! 🙂

  2. Nicole says:

    I always wanted to do this but I’m PC dumb. Thanks

  3. Stavros says:

    You can also install the ePub-Catalog addon on Firefox. Works just great 🙂

  4. zak says:

    YES i love my iphone im soooooo excited right now. Brent. . . you sir are awesome keep writing books my friends and I talk about the night angel trilogy every day and we all read the books well over a year ago

  5. Tom says:

    Sucks that this story is only released as an e-book.. would have bought it if it would be a normal book

  6. Nick says:

    I am really looking forward to reading this, however, I ordered one of the leather bound copies, and I was wondering if the June release is for both the e-reader and the hard copy versions?

    1. brent says:

      The hard copy was originally slated for fall, but they’ve been rushing things along as well as they can. It’s now due in “late summer.”

      1. Tim says:

        So like August-Septemberish for those of us from different parts of the world?

      2. Nick says:

        Thank you very much for the info. Cant wait to read it.

  7. Bethany says:

    Oh, Mr. Weeks. You are my HERO. Or my Durzo, or my Gaelan, or whatever. You can even be Kylar if you like. 😀

  8. Sean says:

    Whatever happened to books (paperback). Hopefully one day this will come out in paperback form then I’ll read it.

  9. Darakna says:

    Hey, I thought I’d just ask here.

    With Night Angel Trilogy there was GraphicAudio book. I love the background music. Do you know where I could get it?

  10. Neil says:

    You’re name is spelled incorrectly on Google Books. “Bret Weeks” Just an FYI.

  11. Sarah C says:

    I have a kindle but I ended up reading it on my G2 android phone. Quite a few readers have an app for droid phones.

  12. jaqueline says:

    I’ve uploaded the Amazon kindle but how will I be able to upload Perfect Shadow on that? I’m totally puzzled… & frustrated that I can’t read it as I’ve just finished with Beyond the Shadows. Where do I go (www or whatever) to be able to do that & how? Any advise much appreciated !

    1. Mimi says:

      You have to go to, buy the Kindle book and download it onto your computer. It’s easey peezey. GREAT book!

  13. Eamonn says:

    Cant download it because I’m not from the UK or the US… at the moment a single tear is rolling down my cheek.

    1. Veriathal says:

      It’s shame that if you live outside UK or US there’s more likely tons of problems.
      With this I hit the same problem, as a audio book it seems like I will have no changes to buy it.

      1. CAPSLOCK says:

        Hi Veriathal,
        Sorry that you’re having trouble getting access to the audiobook! Unfortunately, there are a lot of outdated territory laws that make getting English-language books and audiobooks outside the UK and US really hard sometimes. Can I ask what country you’re trying to download the audio version from? Brent may be able to check in with his publishers and see if there’s anything they can do.

        1. Veriathal says:

          Yes, I’ve noticed. It’s funny how sometimes there’s no problem to order books (I pretty much only read in English) and then some are so hard to reach, yet it’s often actual books that causes problems not files. And I hoard them to Finland. ^^

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