A Long Absence (by Kristi)
Like Punxsutawney Phil, Brent will soon be poking his head out of his hole. Except he’ll do it in November instead of February. Brent would be delighted to meet you, sign your books, and chat with you at Borderlands Bookstore in San Francisco, California on Monday, November 2nd or at Powell’s Books at Cedar Hills Crossing in Beaverton, Oregon on Sunday, November 29th (click here for details).
Channeling the predictive powers of the most famous groundhog in the world, will Brent see his shadow? (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.) Will he finish writing Black Prism on time, or will there be six more weeks of writing?! Nevertheless, the two multi-author book signings will be great (although Brent gets nervous about signing his name and talking at the same time).
Thanks to Jude Feldman and Peter Honigstock for organizing the events!
On a side note that has nothing to do with groundhogs, have you seen The Night Angel Trilogy boxed set? It’s in stores now and we’re pretty excited about it. That line at the top still warms our hearts!

Ughhh, I wish that boxset was out when I went to buy ALL THREE BOOKS at the same time. Oh well. xD I wish they’d be willing to sell me the box itself…
OH, Brent’ll be in San Francisco? THAT’S GREAT. That’s closer to where I live and I go to college in San Francisco, so hopefully I’ll be able to stop by and get an autograph. Hopefully. I need to see if I can get Way of Shadows from my friend, or if not, I’ll have to just have the other two books signed. @_@
I’ll see if I can find some dark grays or black clothing and pull together a makeshift Azoth costume for this event too. 😀 Whoever else goes, I encourage Night Angel costumes too? It’s right after Halloween, come on!
hello there justwondering as a huge fan and an aspiring author if Mr. Weeks will ever be visiting michigan, in the area of warren, for a signing?
hey, i’m just a drone at the borders in altamonte springs florida, but i’ve been begging our district manager to try and get you and joe abercrombie out to do signings (usualy at the winter park store because it’s the “main” central florida store) so maybe someday we will get you into this area.