Signed Copies of The Blinding Knife

If you are unable to come to any of my book tour stops (and I’ll be announcing those in two weeks), but you still want to get your hands on a signed copy of The Blinding Knife, here’s a way you can do it:

The Signed Page is a business I’ve worked with before. Basically, they bring copies to me, I sign and personalize them, and then they send them to you. (Well-protected, so those books don’t get beat up.) The Signed Page also ships internationally, and they are accepting pre-orders now.

Go HERE to get your signed copy of The Blinding Knife.

Brent signing The Black Prism


12 thoughts on “Signed Copies of The Blinding Knife

  1. Selling them out of the back of your car, now, Brent? 🙂

  2. Lexie C. says:

    a) i’m hoping you come near my city so that I can get ALL my books signed by you.

    b) the picture coupled with the title of the post had me thinking you were going to be that super shady guy in the parking lot who says ‘Hey you want signed books? I got signed books. $50 you get a signed book. Personalised even. For $15 more.’ while traveling around for your signings.

  3. brent says:

    That guy looks pretty shady to me. Wait.

    (Yeah, this was how I signed them last time–on the way to another signing, he brought the books by, we had dinner with Terry Brooks (!), and off we went our separate ways.)

    1. Sybil Powell says:

      Brent, my boyfriend loves your Lightbringer series! I’ve spent the last few weeks scouring the internet to buy him the whole set, signed by you!
      The only book I’m missing is The Blinding Knife. I can’t find it signed anywhere. Is there a place you know of that I could buy one, or would it be possible to send you a copy of the book and have you sign it for me?
      My boyfriend would be ecstatic to have the whole set signed, and I would be thrilled to make it happen for him!

      Thank you!

      1. The Dread Pirate CAPSLOCK says:

        Hey Sybil, copies of Blinding Knife are indeed hard to come by. We don’t have any sure-fire suggestions, only used book retailers we know of that you can try: Better World Books, Alibris, Powell’s, Thrift Books, Abebooks, and eBay. Sometimes these booksellers will also offer books on Amazon as third-party vendors. Good luck!

  4. Elise says:

    Oh I really can’t wait to read The Blinding Knife in french !!
    I hope it will be published early 2013 🙂
    The Black prism is one of my favorite books.

    Do you plan to come to France one day to sign your books ? ^^

  5. Joseph says:

    Come to Michigan, preferably in the Detroit area since that’s around where I’ll be attending college! Then I can get all my books signed :]. Perhaps even a double signature on my limited edition copy of Perfect Shadow..

  6. Pam Bitner says:

    This needs a caption like “The best drug money can buy. Read a book and get lost in the beautiful world of imagination!”

  7. Ryan D says:

    Well my birthday is the release date of the The Blinding Knife I guess I may have to order a singed copy with a happy birth day message. Lol

  8. Luke says:

    My poor student loan! $57.15 USD to get it delivered to the UK but it’s got to be done!

  9. Hunter says:

    Can you come to Australia!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Isabelle says:

    Are you coming to England any time soon?

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