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Indie Next Pick

Indie Bound is a site organized by independent booksellers to help them better compete with the biggies, and foster all the independent-bookstore goodness you can imagine. I just learned learned recently that I was selected as an Indie Next Pick of the Month. (For November, but hey, I just found out.) Peeps in the industry tell me this is a semi-big deal.

Book-industry-person quote: “Oh, yeah, biiig deal. Just last year, Virginia/Brad Shake’s book ‘Billions of Small Pieces, No–Make that Trillions of Tiny Pieces, Microscopic Pieces, Nano-Pieces Really’ was selected. Two months later, she-he got The Call. Ya know? From Oprah. Instant millionaire.”

Really, I was most excited that I wasn’t a fantasy pick… just a pick. I feel like an unruly nerd inadvertently released from the ghetto.

Still waiting by the phone, though. Ya know. For The Call.

(p.s. I’ll be posting the Art Contest results tomorrow…sorry, buried.)