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Life, The Universe, and Brent Turning 42

Hi friends!

CAPSLOCK here to let y’all in on a fun project I’ve got going to celebrate Jefe turning 42 in March. Since it’s his Answer Birthday, I thought it appropriate to celebrate by giving away stuff!

Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to create a piece of hybrid art that celebrates NIGHT ANGEL or LIGHTBRINGER and THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE.  Take your favorite bit from one of Brent’s stories (a character, or concept, or object) and add it to the HHGG Universe. Or vice versa.

Think whale and sea demon fighting over a pot of petunias. Andross playing Nine Kings against Marvin. Zaphod holding a ka’kari. Durzo stealing the Heart of Gold. Karris and Ford playing Krikket against Kylar and Arthur. Or keep it simple and come up with a quote that merges a line from each author.

Use whatever medium you love most: cross stitch, cookies, paintings, photography, cosplay, ceramics, woodworking, digital art, words… Heck, you wanna send us a [short] bit of hybrid fanfic? Have you often wondered how a conversation between Dorian and Zaphod would go? Make it happen!

The prize for FOUR lucky winners (other than knowing you’ve made your favorite author’s birthday super-duper-extra amazing) will be either a signed copy of one of Brent’s books, a t-shirt, and/or a bookmark made by none other than Instagram’s @kylarguile.

Send photos of your masterpiece to ME [] by March 31, 11:42pm PST. We’ll announce the winners on April 4, 2019.

And, as usual, you have to be at least 18 years old to win.

I’m so excited to see what y’all come up with!

P.S. If you are thoroughly confused by this, and you have no idea what the heck The Hitchhiker’s Guide is, it’s totally okay. Brent has still only read the first book in the series–and that was recently!–so you’re not alone. And if you’re a hoopy frood who had the words “DON’T PANIC” in friendly green wooden letters above their crib, NO SHAMING. We are all friends here.

BattleWorn Books Contest Is Officially Closed

Hi everybody,

Just here to let you all know that the 2018 BATTLEWORN BOOKS Competition is officially CLOSED. We will be collecting all of the entries around social media and in our email, Brent is going to take a look at them, and we will post the list of winners by next Monday, November 12, 7 AM PST.

Thank you for all of your excellent submissions!

From the contest in 2017.

Contest: #BattleWornBooks

To celebrate the launch of Perfect Shadow in hardcover, we’re giving fans a chance to win 5 brand-new, author-signed sets of The Night Angel Trilogy. The contest is open to U.S. and international fans. One grand prize winner will receive a special signed book from Brent’s personal collection. (Hint: It’ll be one of Brent’s books, not his cherished old Calvin and Hobbes Treasury. Probably. He lies to CAPSLOCK, too.)

Via Twitter or Facebook, post a photo of your favorite, most-loved, battle-worn Night Angel book (or set of books) using the hashtag #BattleWornBooks and a line or two about how the book got that way. We’d love to see some creative scenery or settings (though no digital enhancement, please).

If you’re that one person, who brought in that super bloody book that I signed? You should totally submit that. Also, I’m never signing an actually bloody book again. I was young and foolish then.

Oh, and don’t beat up your book just to win this contest…. I mean, unless you’re going to go out and buy new copies afterward. Then you should DEFINITELY beat up your book just to win this contest.

More details.


1 Person will receive a signed REDACTED… Secret thing. But it’s good. Seriously. You trust me, right? All plot twists are happy plot twists in Weeks-world, right?

5 People Will Win Brand-New Author-Signed Sets of The Night Angel Trilogy.


1. Entries may be submitted starting today until Tuesday, November 14th at 3pm Pacific Standard Time

2. Entry must include:

a) a picture of your favorite Night Angel book

b) a one or two sentence description, maybe why it looks like this, or where it’s been.

c) #BattleWornBooks

3. International entries are allowed and encouraged!

4. Some photo editing is fine:  think enhancement, not special effects.

5. You can only win once–but three books, so it’s like winning three times. Three times is enough.

6. If you email rather than post to Twitter or Facebook, the subject line of the email should read: #battlewornbooks

7. If you choose to use email, address the email to elisa at brentweeks dot com. (no spaces; and as in previous years, Brent will be selecting the winners).

8. Other: Brent will judge the photos and will select the six winners in no particular order of awesomeness. You must be 18 or older to win (younger participants are welcome, but by law I can’t give you a prize). No purchase is necessary. Odds of winning are based on the number of entries, but definitely higher if you submit. We will notify winners via Twitter, Facebook or email depending on how you submitted the photo. You must respond within 7 days, or another winner will be chosen. That would be sad. For you. They’d be happy. So maybe the net happiness would be neither increased nor decreased. We could try it out if you win.

9. Winners will be announced on Monday, November 20th.

Photobomb Contest Winners!

3rd Place Cemetery

Jayne L. will be receiving a signed copy of The Broken Eye in trade paperback, or the new slipcover for The Black Prism (depending on which she chooses.)

2nd Place

Watch out Red

Tabitha T. also included this limerick:
As Red brought her granny a book,
She was watched by a wolf in a nook,
What was that he did spy?
It was “The Broken Eye”!
He gave chase and soon stole it…the CROOK!

Red considered the loss with disdain,
“Twas for Granny!”, she loudly proclaimed,
And then with a sigh,
She resolved to not cry,
For at least, she nor granny were maimed.

Wait, that’s not how Red’s story goes,
The young girl must rise o’er her foes,
She arose in the wood,
Ran as fast as she could,
And nabbed her book from under his nose.

She’ll be receiving signed trade paperback copies of The Black Prism, The Blinding Knife, and The Broken Eye — or the new slipcover for The Black Prism!

1st Place


Kordian Z. will be receiving signed hardcopies of The Black Prism (along with the NEW cover as well as the old cover), The Blinding Knife, and The Broken Eye! He’ll also get the first six chapters of The Blood Mirror.

And here are a few more of the entries we received — we wish we could have picked them all! Because the quality of the submissions were so high, and it was so hard to choose, we will be sending signed bookplates to everyone who submitted an entry.

Pheasants BatmanReichstag_052 Audiobook Throne


Halloween Photobomb Contest

We’re happy to announce our BIENNIAL Halloween Photobomb  Contest! (No, we didn’t forget last year, we just like to keep things fresh. Fresh like pickled ginger.)

Grand Prize:
Signed Hardcopies of The Black Prism (with NEW cover! & old cover so you don’t miss out on smolderingly handsome Gavin), The Blinding Knife, and The Broken Eye — and the first 6 chapters of The Blood Mirror!

Grand Prize


Second Place:
Signed Trade Paperback Copies of The Black Prism, The Blinding Knife, and The Broken Eye, or the new slipcover for The Black Prism.

TPB Collage

Third Place:
A signed copy of The Broken Eye in Trade Paperback, or the new slipcover for The Black Prism.

Broken Eye TPB


  1. Take a picture of any one of Brent’s books (must be identifiable, and for the sake of this contest, no e-readers) in any exciting, interesting, exotic, or funny locale or with an exciting, interesting, exotic, or funny celebrity or person in an amazing costume*. The picture does not have to be an actual photobomb…. but, uh, that would be nice, since it is in the title of the contest and all.
  2. To enter, email your photo with subject line “Halloween 2015 Contest” to by FridayNovember 6th at 5PM Pacific Standard Time.
  3. You can enter as many submissions as you like — but you can only win one prize.

Although I appreciate a good Photoshop job as well as anyone, heavily Photoshopped pictures will not be eligible for prizes. Obviously, touching up a real photo is fine. Even PhotoShopping in laser beams is fine–though that’s not the point of this contest, and we’ll do a Photoshop anything goes contest later. Photoshopping in Chris Pratt holding my book when he isn’t actually holding my book is not fine. (Because you would totally win if you actually could get a pic of him holding my book.)

*Don’t Photobomb inappropriately or illegally, yo.

International submissions are encouraged!

Elene Cosplay & Halloween Costume Contest

Check out this amazing cosplay of Elene Cromwyll:

The very talented Elene N. (yep, that’s her real name) made this Night Angel cosplay for a Con in Norway. Here are some more pictures:

We’ll be sending her some loot, but we also want to give you a chance to win some!

Grand Prize: A complete signed set of The Lightbringer Series, in Hardcover, and the first two chapters of The Blood Mirror! (Nobody else has this. Not even Brent’s editor! But you can’t share it with anyone!)

Second Place: A signed hardcover copy of The Broken Eye, and signed copies of The Blinding Knife and The Black Prism in trade paperback.

Third Place: A signed copy of The Broken Eye.

Fourth Place: Three signed bookplates.



1. Entries may be submitted started today (September 29) until Monday, November 3rd at 5pm Pacific Standard Time.

2. Entry must include a picture of you in a costume inspired by the Night Angel Trilogy or The Lightbringer Series (go HERE to check out the Night Angel character sketches), along with a one or two sentence description.

3. International entries are allowed and encouraged!

4. As long as the costume is materially yours, some Photoshop is fine (no presenting characters from movies or video games by putting a gloss of Photoshop on it and saying it’s your costume).

5. Two entries allowed per person, but you can only win once.

6. The subject line of the email should read: 2014 Costume Contest

7. Address the email to CAPSLOCK @ (no spaces; and as in previous years, Brent will be selecting the winners).

8. The costume must be family-friendly (as usual, we’d like to display the best entries on the website and we can’t do that if it’s not appropriate for younger fans).

9. Other:

Video submissions are allowed, but Brent is judging the costume, not the video. Brent will judge costumes individually if you have two people in a photo, but only one person will receive a prize. You must be 18 or older to win (younger participants are welcome, but by law I can’t give you a prize). No purchase is necessary. Odds of winning are based on the number of entries. We will notify winners via email; you must respond within 7 days, or another winner will be chosen. The grand prize is worth approximately $100. Second place is worth approximately $60. Third place is worth approximately $30. Fourth place is worth about $15.

Winners will be announced on Monday, November 10, 2014.


Social Media Apocalypse

Folks, this may be the beginning of the end. I have now joined Instagram.

Turns out my real name — and my usual internet aliases (characters from my books) — are taken, so on Instagram, I am: AndrossGuile. Naturally.

I plan to update you daily with a little snapshot while I’m on tour. Otherwise, I probably won’t be using Instagram very often. I make no claims to photographic talent or skill. Filters will probably feature heavily. 😉

If you attend one of my signings and take pictures, tag them with #BrokenEyeTour. We plan to do a big round-up of our favorites from The Broken Eye tour and can use all the help we can get! So go crazy: pics of you with the book, with me, with your friends and the book, in front of the bookstore, etc. etc. We’ll even give a free Lightbringer t-shirt to one of you. (Apparently, legally, I can’t just give it to the best. It has to be random. I hate being legal.)



Also. New poll. Check it out. —->

Announcing the Fan Art Contest Winner!


Brent promised to pick one random entry for the fan art contest entry, and we have a winner!

Emily E. won for her double-submission of these images (though we only counted them as one when Brent randomly selected a winner):

Kylar SternElene, Kylar & Uly











The prize was originally for a signed copy of The Black Prism in trade paperback, but since it’s taken us a while to post all the entries, we’re also going to send the winner a signed copy of The Blinding Knife in trade paperback.

We’ll be running another contest soon, so keep an eye on the site.

Congratulations, Emily!