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Calling All Fan Artists!

And not just my fans, either! If you love to depict classic and modern fantasy characters in kick-ass ways, the Random House SFF blog, Suvudu, would love to show your work to thousands of people!

Starting two weeks from today, they host a Cage Match, loosely based on the NCAA March madness. They start with 64 fantasy characters (new and old), and at each round an author or fan presents the characters in any way he or she sees fit, either writing up a hypothetical fight or just presenting the strengths and weaknesses of each fighter. Fans vote on who they think wins in the comments, and the winner advances. Pretty simple.

But it would be made far cooler with great art. And that’s where you come in.

If you’re interested, and I know there’s already a lot of great Night Angel fan art out there, please go HERE to find out what they’re looking for, and how to bring your art to their attention. The brackets will be announced February 26th, and you’ll be able to see Kylar Stern in action starting March 5th.

Goodreads Winners and Photobomb Winner!

First, congratulations to the winners of the Goodreads Contest: to both Theresa and Irwin in California, Carola in the Netherlands, Tyler in Ontario, and Maria in South Australia  — congratulations! Your signed copies of The Black Prism are on their way.

Now about the photobomb contest: we had some spectacular entries. Here are some of the best:

Fans of the infamous “chicken nuggets” scene.*

from Isabelle D.

Abe? I’m one of your favorites?! No way. You’re one of mine, too!

from Kathlyn H.


This is totally how the boxed set should have come:

from Sasuke U.

Assassins-in-training also use my books as training manuals!

from Alexia A.

Want texts that will engage college freshmen? μολὼν λαβέ!


from Dr. J. Klein

Assassins particularly like working (and reading) at twilight:

from Libbie & Addi L.


Not so easily killed:


from Katie H.

It was a hard decision. But since I gave my “muhaha, there can only be one!” Highlander vow, there could only be one:

from Gloria N.


Congratulations to Gloria N.! We’ll do our best to get you your copy of the sold-out, limited edition Perfect Shadow from Subterranean Press in time for Christmas.

*No, there’s not really a chicken nuggets scene. But now that you mention it, maybe in the 10th anniversary edition…