Real Life Fantasy: Vapor, Nature’s Lightsplitter

Welcome back to Real Life Fantasy! Today we’re sharing a simple one–nature refracting full-spectrum light in the air.

A supernumary rainbow captured by Larry Andreasen in Oregon

Many of you will recognize this as a fancy way of saying “RAINBOWS,” but it’s a little more than that.

As such, we have fog machine vapor wafting through a RGB laser:

Shared on YouTube by Marek Treecki

And, of course, circumhorizon arcs, aka “fire rainbows.”

Original photo taken by Luis Argerich

Which begs the question, “why?” This is neither made with fire, nor is it an elliptical “rainbow.” Language is weird. But never mind that, here’s more vapor magic:

from Amusing Planet
from Daily Mail UK, 2006

I snagged this word bite from Christopher Schmitt on flickr: “To see this rainbow, the ‘clouds must be at least 20,000ft high and the ice crystals within them align horizontally instead of their usual vertical position. The sun also needs to be at least 58 degrees above the horizon. Then, the magic can begin.'”

from the UCSB Geography Dept

Nature is the best, y’all! Especially when it’s not, you know, on fire. All our best to the firefighters along the west coast who are still working tirelessly to contain the wildfires in California, Oregon, and Washington.