Nine Kings Fan Art Contest Winners

Hi friends,

We have notified the winners of the contest, and we’re here to showcase the five winning entries! There were nearly four dozen entries, each brilliant and beautiful in their own way. A warm, heartfelt thank you to everyone who submitted.

Please note there are SPOILERS for all Lightbringer books in the images below.

Our grand prize winner is Ellen Archer, with “Shimmercloak”:

Our runners-up are as follows:

“Unbreakable” by Morgan G.

“Andross the Red” by Mankin Studios

“Commander Ironfist” by Tim Hoffman

and “Lightbringer” by Alex Untoria.

Congratulations, everyone!

14 thoughts on “Nine Kings Fan Art Contest Winners

  1. Hope Pokorny says:

    Congratulations everyone! You all deserve all the rewards

  2. Sarah Catania says:

    They are all amazing!

    Must have been some long nights deliberating over the winner.
    My faves are Lightbringer and Andross the Red.

    We’ll done to the winners, you are very talented artists!

    1. The Dread Pirate CAPSLOCK says:

      We chose the winners at random, to save ourselves the long nights deliberating!

      1. Hayley Archer says:

        I’m a little shocked to see that is how you chose the winners. Did you say that would be how the winners would be picked? Takes a little bit of the shine off winning really doesn’t it.

        1. brent says:

          It’s a legal requirement. My books are sold lots of places, and in some of those, if this ISN’T random, then one or both of us have to pay taxes on it. And heck if I even know how to pay taxes in some of the countries where my books are sold. Rather than deal with legal headaches, I comply with what my publisher tells me is the best thing for me to do: make it random. Do I hate lawyers? Yes.

          1. Floop fish says:

            Ok this helps me feel a lot better, I thought something was up.

  3. John says:

    Will all the entries be posted somewhere? Id love to see more fanart

    1. The Dread Pirate CAPSLOCK says:

      Yep, I’m working on a highlights post now, to go live tomorrow 🙂

  4. Sabrina says:

    Absolutely amazing! Great job everyone!

  5. Caroline says:

    Where can we view all entries?

  6. Jaz says:

    I love them all!, You guys have amazing skill!!!!!

  7. Nelsen Witt says:

    I want this game. So so bad.

  8. Justin says:

    These are all 10/10 entries

  9. Benjamin says:

    Are you going to make an actual 9 Kings card game?

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