2 thoughts on “Perfect Shadow Holiday Sale

  1. Jack Clark says:

    Have not read perfect shadow yet. Found out about it today after finishing beyond the shadows for the third time. Cannot wait to read it. However the thing i need most is a sequel after Logan is crowned high king. I have read so many books I cannot name them all, usually i never read a book twice but with your night angle series i couldn’t help it and have read it four times. I am so curios as to what happens next. This series inspired me so much I actual began doing more than just fantasizing about the novel I have been composing in my head. Hopefully one day I fully put it to word.

  2. Dermot says:

    Cannot purchase the Kindle version of this for $0.99 at Amazon.com.au It’s $2.49. It’s fine if you use Kobo.. Thanks amazon!!

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