Fan Art Tuesdays: Nele Klumpe

Artist Nele Klumpe shares her vision of Kip Guile (below) and Gavin Guile (HERE). Go HERE to see more of her work, and HERE to check out her blog!

4 thoughts on “Fan Art Tuesdays: Nele Klumpe

  1. Love the interpretation! I imagined him with darker skin though? Great stuff.

  2. Charles says:

    Kip is black though

  3. Dustin says:

    Yeah, kip is mixed so he’s like Obama’s skin tone. But they are a talented artist, this is just very far from my vision of kip. One of the reasons I have been so attracted to this series( out side of the amazing writing) is because it has characters I can relate to. They don’t have many fantasy books with a dark skinned human character as the main protagonist and I’m so glad I found one that is so amazing! Great writing, great character development, I am so going to cosplay Kip as the leader of the Mighty!!

    1. Anthony says:

      Totally agree Dustin. The fantasy genre doesn’t really have people of color in any role of importance. It’s nice to actually relate to a main character for once.

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