2014 Halloween Costume Contest Winners
We received many excellent entries. Though we didn’t have space to include every submission in this post, many thanks to all who participated! There was much gnashing of teeth, several fist fights, and one trip to the ER as we calmly and rationally debated the merits of each costume.
First, we had the smart-alecks. Of course we did:
- Shimmercloak in Florida (C. Robins)
- Teia as a Mist Walker (Meryl K.)
- Murder Sharp (Jessie P.)
Fourth Place (Nick C.):
Third place (Ollie O.):

Second place (Nicola R.):
Grand Prize Winner (Dominika P.):

Honorable Mentions:
I’ll be sending each of you a Lightbringer bookplate! (Click to enlarge — for some reason with the larger files you’ll need to click and then click again.)
- Vi Sovari (Jordanne H.)
- Green Wight, Blackguards (Tarje B.)
- Green/Superviolet Blackguard (Sarah W.)
- Corvan Danavis and the Third Eye (Melanie A.)
- Blue Drafter (Paul J.)
So what do you think? Did we get it right or did we mess up? Let us know over in poll –> and we’ll send a special prize to the fan favorite. (We’ll close that poll for voting purposes next Monday.)
I like the first winner…looks like I have imagined. Bit I don’t like the fourth… I think blue drafter (Paul J) is better. (Sorry if muy english is not correct, I’m nos lerning (^.^°))┳┻|
I have a complaint about your books . . . There to freaking good!!!!!!! but other wise no complaints they are great after all.
how on earth did a white guy’s bare torso with a shitton of bad photoshop beat all the original and hand crafted costumes??
Love them all, wish I had had time to upload some myself.
Now to go back to waiting for Kip’s next adventure…
I really liked all of them. If I HAD to choose favorites I really like the Blackguard one, but not to win the competition because a big part of that is how awesome there are so many people participating, and even though I don’t know who it is I really like Dorian Uursal. Also I am going to be more inclined to like characters from The Lightbringer series since they are the only Brent Weeks books I’ve read.