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Epic ConFusion 2012

Visit Michigan? In the dead of winter? Sure!

If you live in Detroit, Kalamazoo, or Grand Rapids — or heck, if you live anywhere near Michigan — come out to see me in January 20-22 at the massive ConFusion 2012! It’s at the Detroit Marriot Troy in Troy, Michigan.

Not only will you have a chance to see me, there will be costumes, there will be panels, there will be Guests of Honor and parties — in short, all things SFF and geeky will be there! Here are more details about Epic Confusion 2012.

Other authors in attendance include: Pat Rothfuss, Joe Abercrombie, Peter V. Brett, Robin Hobb, Saladin Ahmed, Gretchen Ash, Elizabeth Bear, Bradley Beaulieu, Steve Buchheit, Tobias Buckell, Myke Cole, DJ DeSmyter, Anne Harris, Carrie Harris, Merrie Haskell, Kameron Hurley, Howard Andrew Jones, Dr. Phil Kaldon, Christian Klaver, Scott Lynch, Cindy Spencer Pape, Steve Piziks, Christine Purcell, Cat Rambo, Jason Sanford, John Scalzi, Catherine Shaffer, Kristine Smith, Ferret Steinmetz, Michelle Sagara West, Doselle Young, Charles P. Zaglanis, Sarah Zettel.