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Goodreads Semi-Finals & Giveaway

Good news! The Broken Eye has made it to the semi-final round of the Goodreads Choice Award (pick for Best Fantasy). Thanks to all who voted! If you’d like to help get me to the next round, go HERE to vote.

To celebrate The Broken Eye being nominated for the Goodreads Choice Award, my publisher is giving away 5 copies. Anyone in the US, Canada, UK and Ireland is eligible. Go HERE to enter. The giveaway closes December 1, 2014.


Goodreads Choice Awards 2014


Some years you say to yourself, “Sweet! George hasn’t published a book, and Neil hasn’t published a book! Maybe I’ve got a…” and then you see the paranormal fantasy and the fantasy genres have been collapsed into one, and now you’re listed not only among Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, Mark Lawrence, but also Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, and… you just stop reading at that point, because why bother?

On the other hand, I have to say being listed among all these great writers is hugely thrilling and quite an honor. It’s pretty awesome to be mentioned in the same breath with these fantasy greats. So if you want to get a list of great fantasy books to read, click over HERE. And if St. Jude — patron saint of lost causes — is your guy, maybe you can even throw out a vote for me. 😉