Fan Art Tuesday: Retribution by Gary Kester & Dexter Weeks
First things first: here is a 3D-printed version of Retribution/Iures made by Gary Kester in Australia.

He shared it on the Brent Weeks Fan Club on Facebook a couple months ago. According to Kester, it’s printed with PLA, and he added a clear coat to the blade and leather wrap to the handle to finish it. What a beaut!

Fans had a lovely conversation about this piece. Gary told us that the design is based on concept art from another artist (if it’s your original concept, contact us! We’d love to share your work). He also said, “I wanted the grainy finish and sanding just the joints would spoil it. The joints were intentional as well to show off modelling a curved interlocking joint without any Center supports on a 1.5m plastic print.”

EDIT: We’ve found the artist who created the original concept art that Gary used. His name is Dexter Weeks (ha!), and he’s an illustrator, colorer, and letterer for comic books. You can see more of his work on Instagram or his portfolio website.
Also, some of you may have noticed I called this “Retribution/Iures.” That’s because I’m not sure which sword this is supposed to be…. And TBH, I don’t know what Iures is.
Also, I only know that Retribution is a sword in Night Angel because Durzo is holding it on one of the t-shirts we sell.
Because I’ve never read NAT. Seriously.
-ducks to avoid shoes and tomatoes-
But WAIT! I have a good reason. Brent asked me not to. So that when I get to be the third person (after his wife and his agent, of course) to read the draft of the book he’s writing now… Which is set in Midcyru… I’ll have a fresh perspective. I’ll be able to provide feedback about the story as a relative newcomer.
Yes, I’m serious.
So really, this whole post is dedicated to me telling all of you that I get to read the next book, like, WAY before you do.

<3 DPC