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Space City Con 2014

You have a decision to make:


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So, given that I’m scheduled against the Game of Thrones panel, and I know some of you will accidentally wander into that one, I’ve decided to ADD AN EVENT.

Limited to the first ten people who email me (brent at brent weeks dot com), I’m doing a kaffeeklatsch. What’s a kaffeeklatsch? The eleven of us meet at a restaurant or coffee house, and chat for an hour or two. We can talk publishing, or my books, or how hot Jason Momoa is. No, not that last one. Informal, and a chance to hang out a bit. (Time and day to be determined, I’ll let you know via email.)


Space City Con is happening this Friday through Sunday, January 3-6, in Galveston, Texas. Other authors include Cherie Priest and Larry Correia. So if you’re in Houston, Galveston, or somewhere within driving distance, come check it out!

Go HERE to buy your tickets and HERE to see a complete schedule.

My reading and Q&A will be on Saturday, January 4 in the Garden Cay room from 2:30pm to 3:45pm.