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October Q&R Video

Surprise! I answered some more fan questions. Two months in a row!

The Facebook Q&R is embedded below for your enjoyment.

I also have a note about this video that I wanted to share. Around 1:30, I talk about biological versus adoptive parents. I used the phrase “real parents” intending obvious air quotes—the first time or so. I sort of lost that denotation as I referenced that a few more times and was thinking about other things. My point—which I hope I didn’t clumsily obscure—is that adoptive parents absolutely are real parents. Forgive my infelicitous phrasing around what can be a tender point.” 

July Facebook Q&A video is live!

Brent went with a longer Q&A this month, focusing on a couple of writing advice questions. You can watch the video below.

Show Notes:

“How many characters are modeled after real people? What are your favorite hunting spots for random characters?” .34

“How do you keep track of all the clues and foreshadowing from your previous books and tie any new ideas into what you’ve already published?” 3.26

Got any other questions? Ask them in the comments, and he’ll answer a few more next month.


For all of you who’ve been interested in seeing me, but who don’t live in any of the cities I’ll be visiting on my book tour, Orbit had the great idea of sending me on The Great First Annual Video Blog Tour. Sure, sure, other guys have done blog tours before, but TGFAVBT is new, different, amazing, novel! TGFAVBT has video.

That’s right. Some other authors might make you read several thousand words of text interview on your computer screen–and then expect you to read 210,000 more words in their book. Sheesh! They’ll tire your eyes out! Not me. Sit back, blink once in a while, look away from the screen for a bit as an Interesting Person walks past you in the coffee shop, and you can still hear the mellifluous strains of baritonal brilliance. Alternately, mute the sound and watch awkward hand gestures! Try to guess the times at which I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about! Imagine the contortions of the video editor, trying to make me look good!

The choice is yours. Personally, I can’t bear to watch. Too embarrassing. Plus, I was there.

Seriously, thanks to my blog hosts, who asked great questions and let me come stomp around their blogs and track dirt in. And thanks to A. at Orbit, who had the idea. This was just us trying to have some fun and hit a bunch of your questions.

Note: We’ll be releasing a new video interview each Monday of August, check here for new links.

Released 8/2:  John at

Released 8/9: Liviu at

Released 8/16: Janicu at

Released 8/24: The Book Smugglers at

Five Interviews

It is currently unknown just how much Weeksian goodness the human body can endure, so in the interests of science, I present to you, not one, not two-point-two-five, but five, entire, uncut interviews with… me.

No no no! Come back!

First, a podcast with the excellent folks at GraphicAudio. This interview is about a half an hour long, and I’d tell you more about it if I could remember it all or bear to listen to the sound of my own voice. There are spoilers up through the end of the first book. GraphicAudio has just released the second part of book 2, Shadow’s Edge, and is selling the cd version at at discount right now. In case you missed the earlier post, they do abridged audiobooks with, in this case, 30 actors, a ton of original soundtrack music, and sound effects. I know these books are a huge technical and artistic challenge for them, and they’ve brought an awesome amount of enthusiasm to the project. Fun, cool people.

Then, a decidedly unprofessional, totally unedited take of me taking about ten fan questions that were submitted to I warn at the beginning about spoilers, but then didn’t get asked any spoilery questions, so it actually is spoiler-free. If you want to get YOUR questions answered, we may well do some future segments, depending on my shame threshold. So go ahead and send away. Heck, we may even figure out proper lighting and video editing.

But I wouldn’t bet on it.

A big thanks to Heather and Katie, who compiled the questions, brought the camera, and figured out how to post it. And also endured my mockery.

For the French loving audience out there, three interviews taken while I was at the Paris Salon du Livre in March:

A written interview with Elbakin in French and in English.

A live radio interview with L’Autre Monde (choose Interview on the left menu, then scroll down to Weeks, Brent). Obviously, I speak English, so the interview is in English. A written French version is also available.

And finally, a written French interview with Cedric Gasperini at GamAlive.

French Video Goodness

So a buddy stumbled across this. Pretty sure the sophisticated French commentary is identical to the plain English back cover blurb, unless my high school French has completely abandoned me. (I had to make the video tiny to make it fit in this column, so you should definitely expand it to the full screen. It loses a lot when it’s only the size of a postage stamp.)