Hear The Black Prism on GraphicAudio!

Got a long plane ride home from holidays with the relatives? Still stuck in your plowed-in Ford Fiesta trying to avoid the 50th round of “I SPY” and “20 Questions”? Time will fly (even if your plane is grounded) if you’re listening to the first audio installment of The Black Prism! Just think of it as a post-holiday present from me — that you have to pay for. (Hey, you should see my credit card statement!)

GraphicAudio is releasing the audiobook version of The Black Prism in three installments, one each month from now until March–which just so happens to be my birth month. And what am I getting you for my birthday? You guessed it!

So, if you’ve got the holiday blues… get something Black. If that last fruitcake has you feeling bloated… try on six figure-slimming hours of sheer resonant bliss!

If you have trouble committing, (well, first of all, c’mon, it’s NEW YEARS, if you can’t commit mindlessly now, when can you?) *Ahem.* That is, if you have trouble committing, you can listen to an hour-long excerpt here, and download the MP3 or buy the CDs here.

We also sell diet books.*

I hear it’s a growth market.

*No, ma, not really.

2010 Goodreads Choice Award

— is now open for voting! And some strange guy snuck onto the final ballot.

Here’s the most important question you can ask yourself this holiday: what can I do to help Brent Weeks?

Well, I’m glad you asked.  First, egg nog. Second, put The Black Prism at the top of the list as readers’ favorite fantasy book of 2010! Nominations close on December 30, so there are only days left to put in your two cents!

You can go here to vote for your favorite book in the Fantasy category. I’ll be super grateful if you click on The Black Prism. Heck, if I win, I might even write a sequel. If I don’t? Welp, it looks iffy.*

Vote for this book!

P.S. Yes, you do have to be a member of Goodreads — so get your Goodreads buddies to vote if you’re already a member, and get your not-Goodreads buddies to sign up with you and vote if you’re not!

*just kidding, guy who reads internet posts and takes them literally (and my editor)
**secondly, please don’t send me egg nog in the mail. Last time I drank a month-old gallon, the gastrointestinal fireworks were incredible.

This Post is Not Endorsed by Joss Whedon*

Is Joss Whedon your master? Do you believe in goats? Have you ever thought, “This capitalistic society has put far too much money in my pockets!”? Have you ever, once, just once, wanted to Do The Right Thing?

Even if he isn’t, you don’t, you haven’t, you can’t imagine such a thing (respectively), you should be like me–no, not immensely charming and smug–you should donate to Worldbuilders!

Seriously, Worldbuilders is a charity devoted to raising money for Heifer International, which doesn’t just help poor people, but gives them the chance to provide for themselves (and their kids) with livestock like goats and chickens, education on sustainable farming and more. It’s a good thing, and if you enter, you can get awesome loot.

And everyone believes in loot, right?

Check HERE for more details; to donate directly to “Team Heifer” (Pat Rothfuss’ Worldbuilders team) go here – but be warned, time’s up at NOON tomorrow, December 17th. So donate now! There is signed Night Angel and Black Prism loot available: check it out here.

It’s for the children.

*but it oughta be

Pick a Page, Any Page!

Well, not any page. Page 69, to be exact.

If you’ve ever opened up a book, read a random page, and then decided whether or not to buy it — you’ll understand the idea behind The Page 69 Test.

Needless to say, the 69th page of The Black Prism offers an intriguing glimpse into the world of the Seven Satrapies. When Gavin — hold on, I’ve already done this over here (or here).

Many thanks to Marshal Zeringue, not least for having an entire blog dedicated to the page 69 test. And, of course, for offering me the chance to post on it.

Far, Far Away — or in Your Backyard?

To everyone who’s ever dreamed of owning The Night Angel Trilogy in Yiddish…

Your wait is not over!

BUT if you’re looking for a handy guide to the available international editions of The Night Angel Trilogy and The Lightbringer Series –  then you’ve come to the right place. We now have an International Editions page, and we’ll be posting updates as books are both bought and released by publishers around the world. The page has links to the publishers’ actual websites, as well as places to go to buy the books online (unless we haven’t had luck finding them online, or if they aren’t published yet!)

And if you just wanted a quick overview of some of the cool covers… scroll away!

Navigate the 7 Satrapies and Midcyru

Wish you could see high-resolution, full-page version of the maps in my books? Frustrated with the resolution on your Kindle or other electronic paraphrenalia? Wish for an excuse to pull out your iPad at random gatherings and show everyone how cool you are? Well, wish no more — we now have maa-aaps! Thanks to the hard work of the folks at Orbit, they’ve provided us glorious, high-resolution maps of both The Night Angel Trilogy and The Black Prism. Check out Midcyru here, and The Seven Satrapies here. Or you can follow the links from my Extras page here.

Moin–or Hola–Europa!

Besides being of at least 1/16th German extraction, I’ve got another reason to love the country – they have lots of fantasy fans! And now I’ve got a killer interview with sci-fi/fantasy German webzine Zauberspiegel. So if you speak German, or even feel vaguely Teutonic during Oktoberfest, come on over here! For those of you non-German speakers, my interviewer, Horst Hermann von Allworden, has graciously provided an English translation here as well!

Oh wait, that’s me talking in English–it just sounds like English run through Google translate and back again. Which reminds me of a classic (possibly apocryphal) example of a phrase run unsuccessfully through the translation grinder:

The vodka is strong, but the meat is rotten!

(The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.)

And on to Spain, land of Cervantes, whom I have it on good authority Random House Mondadori actually rejected. (Okay, I made that up.) Mondadori has just released the 2nd book in the Night Angel Trilogy! (W00t!) To get a copy of Al Filo de Las Sombras in Spain, click here. To just check out my Spanish-as-in-Spain webpage, go here.

First Place is Second Loser? Hold on…

A while back, I posted about my first book’s leap onto the Locus Best Seller List, where it landed precariously at second place. Well, kids, let this be a lesson to you. Don’t complain about coming in second, or this might happen:

(Click to admire my helpful highlighting. Cuz, ya know, it’s hard to find the item at the top of the list. My name is Brent; I’m here to help.)

I would do an obnoxious end zone dance now, but it’d probably end up like this. (Rest of world: here.)

Quick recap: Locus is the SFF industry mag. In addition to the biggies, Locus also draws from independent and specialty book sellers (where a ton of SFF is sold) and also includes Canadian book stores. And of course, it’s only listing sci-fi and fantasy books! In case you’re feeling cynical, here’s the link to the official Locus Magazine Bestseller List webpage to prove it I didn’t mock up a counterfeit “bestseller” list. As if! (Hmm, counterfeit lists, there’s an idea…)

Seriously, thanks to all of you who bought The Black Prism and helped put me up there. It was quite a shock to find it.

New (Spanish) Website!

Spanish language cover
(click to enlarge)

In Spain, they tell me, el asasino perfecto no tiene amigos, sino objectivos.

Thanks to the hard work of our friends in Spain at Random House Mondadori, we’ve got a fantastic new Spanish-language website! It’s got something for everyone: a quiz competition for a FREE copy of the second book (coming out November 19th!), a place for reviews & comments, a count-down clock to the release of Al Filo De La Sombras, and links to a Spanish “Weekipedia”!!

As you astute readers might have guessed, the Weekipedia is a spot for Spanish-speakers to indulge their love the Night Angel Trilogy by sharing with factoids on characters, places, and events in the Night Angel universe!

Plus, you can get a peek at the new cover of soon-to-be-released Al Filo De La  Sombras.

(To us Spanish-speaking-ignoramuses, that’s The Shadow’s Edge.)

Russia Reads the Trilogy

Maybe not ALL of Russia – but the final book of the Night Angel Trilogy is now available for all you Russian readers – or readers with Russian friends !

And they’ve got Kylar Stern surrounded. Hot chick on his right, army on his left, and bad-assed beastie behind him… well, even Kylar Stern could use a little help. Looks like no one’s safe!

Of course, this is Brent Weeks! So we already knew that.