Goodreads Goodness


locke & key 2


Locke and Key4




Over on Goodreads, Brent’s just posted a long review of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke & Key. See why Brent thinks this series is a must-read (or as he put it: “reading Locke & Key… was like volunteering to be taken to school.”)

On a related note, Goodreads is a great place to keep up-to-date on what Brent’s reading, see his occasional reviews, and take a few quizzes about his books. He’s even posted some lists of the books that inspired him and helped him become a better writer. Brent’s publisher also runs some Goodreads-exclusive giveaways from time to time. You can friend or follow him on Goodreads HERE. (But you don’t need to be a member of Goodreads to read his reviews or see his lists.)

We also have a couple of quizzes based on your knowledge of the Seven Satrapies! (Note: the glossary and character list may be helpful.)

One thought on “Goodreads Goodness

  1. Barry Nowatzke says:

    Now we see where all his time goes. For shame, Mr. Weeks haha!

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